Long Ass Preview

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Book Two: Take the Girl Out Of The Spy But Not the Other Way Around


Blackthorne is cold in the winter. I get that it's suppose to be a Military Academy or whatever and it's all stone and all futuristic like Sublevel One at Gallagher but this felt like dry ice kind of cold. (Not exactly, but you get my point.) They don't use their heaters when it's still break. Why I don't know. They really should though seeing there was and is still like ten students who stayed over during the break plus like three teachers, the headmaster, and the head nurse. (She had to stay just in case someone got hurt during their drills which they do every single day at the crack of dawn.)

But whatever. The blanket I was given was a big heavy one that kept me nice and warm at night. And during the day, I was surprised with how warm the hoodie I stole from Alex actually was.

If only they made pants like these.

The only good part about staying at Blackthorne (besides the fact that I got to gossip with two out of three of my best friends' crushes about them which I am so telling them the day I get back–Skip was spending time stalking a certain ambassador's daughter out in Rome, probably getting caught) is that I didn't have to do the drills the guys do. So while they were all running around in the night through mud and trees, I got to sleep soundlessly in my bed with my heavy set headphones I got for Christmas to block out the noise of the siren while the rest of the school besides the teachers, nurse, headmaster, and anyone who was over the age of eighteen were out in the yard. Of course by the time they got back to the room, I was already awake.

Although there was that one time when my headphones came off and I ended up doing the drills with them one morning which I then fell asleep that night till probably noon the following day. Which is something I will never do again.

Anyways I was walking back to the guys' room to grab my hoodie seeing it was cold before heading back down to dinner.

"You know, you would probably feel a lot warmer if you actually, you know, had a shirt on and not just a sports bra." Alex said sitting on his bed with some last minute homework in front of him when I walked into the room. "Speaking of, how would your dad react if he found out you spend hours of the day when all of Blackthorne is awake doing their drills and homework wondering around said school in just booty shorts and sports bras?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled the navy blue fabric over my head before speaking. "Well, Alexander. If you must know, he wouldn't care. Why is mainly because I've done it so many times that he just gave up on trying to make me stop."

"So you wouldn't mind if I, oh I don't know, get off my very comfortable bed and stop doing schoolwork to go tell him?"

"Nope but I should warn you that he never likes being woken up from his sleep. Now, if you will excuse me. I have dinner to eat and two certain boys I need to tease. See you later."

"Yeah, well, same to you."

And with that I left the room and made my way back down to the Blackthorne equivalent to the Great Hall. Their Grand Hall was more like a cafeteria with tables seating sixteen, sometimes four. At one table sat Nick and Powers and two other people that as I got closer realized it was Kyle and Skip. A bright smile took place as I walked up to them and squeezed myself between them. They looked took back but I just smiled sweetly at them.

"Hallo, Z." Kyle said, making fun of me. It's been a recurring thing he's been doing, making fun of the fact they teach any and all languages at Gallagher where as they only know the standard French-Spanish combo plus one of their choosing and Moris Code (which they don't teach at Gallagher, just as an F.Y.I.) As always, I picked up on his tease and started a full on conversation with him in Dutch.

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