Chapter Nineteen

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Saturday came faster then I expected, seriously. Before I even knew it, I was dress in leggings and a light sweater sneaking out of school and off the property to the gazebo in Roseville. Through the weeks I spent sneaking out, I only just then took notice of the weather change, standing in the gazebo waiting for Jake. After five minutes of waiting, I got tired of standing around and started leaning up against the railing. I looked down at my feet and wrapped my arms closer to my body to keep in some warmth. More time passed and the mental clock all spies have in my mind stuck eight-thirty. I blew raspberries then let out a light laugh and shook my head. Just as I was about to leave, letting the fact I was being stode up happen, Jake decided to make his appearance.

"I am so sorry I'm late, Z. As I was getting ready to leave my friend stopped me and said some rude stuff about you and saying lies that couldn't be true–I'm just straight up sorry I kept you waiting." Jake said then kissed my cheek. "At least it was only a few minutes, right?"

"Two hours actually." I said with a shrug as if to add but who's counting?

"Well thank god you didn't leave. I honestly did realize he talked for that long." Jake gave me a smile which I returned. He offered his arm for me to lace mine through and after some debate I took his offer. This led to us walking who knows where but I made sure to keep track of where we were going so I know how to get back. We ended up passing Gallagher on our way to wherever, causing me to look up at the window seat of my room seeing Lexi doodling intently in her journal, looking out occasionally and for only a few seconds. We kept walking till we found our way to a barn just out in the close middle of nowhere. Music and laughter could be heard from the sidewalk. I stared in awe making Jake laughing.

"I'm going to assume you've never been to a party?" He asked. I turned my attention to him and blushed.

"Yes, well, not exactly. I've been to balls which I guess are kind of like parties only for the upperclass." I looked away knowing that he was staring at me in awe.

"Balls? Like royalty? Fancy gowns? Waltzing?" Sheepishly, I nodded then cleared my throat.

"So, the party. Let's go. I love this song." Which is so much of a lie. I never even heard this song. (It's hard getting reception and wi-fi in Gallagher–huge blocker keeping outside service and whatnot, well, outside.) Jake nodded and pulled me along to the barn. As we entered there were parents and teens and grandparents everywhere. Some dancing, some laughing (some making out.) It was different, I liked it. I felt like I was normal, kind of.

To say the least, it was nice. Jake "taught" me how to square dance (we go over it every year in Madame Poppy's at least once each semester), I meet some more friends of his who I haven't met before but know all their names from trips out to town, I almost met his parents but I didn't get to because I insisted I forgot I had a curfew tonight when I saw my own parents dancing and laughing next to his.

"Okay. Want me to walk you home?" He has asked like every date. And like ever date I told him it was okay and left before another word was exchanged.

Now normally when I walk home from a date with Jake, I'm normally not followed. This time however, I was. So, I walked around the side of Gallagher's walls and disappeared into the shadows before whoever was following me could even catch it. When they passed me I could tell instantly who it was, the friend of Jake's who was telling him how I go to Gallagher. I stepped out of the shadows as he looked around for where I could have went.

"Why are you following me?" I took him by surprise because Simon turned around like he saw a ghost but quickly recovered.

"You lied to Jake." Simon hissed at me. "You made him think that I lied to him to break you two up."

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