Chapter Seventeen

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Apparently since Blackthorn was staying with us till the end of the semester, they were given the freedom to sit at their grade table instead of just the sophomore table. So that breakfast as we conversed in Latin and English (when the teachers weren't paying attention that is) leaving the boys of Blackthorn clueless as to how we know a dead language fluently, it was actually different for once talking in Latin the whole time about things we normally would talk about when they were at then end and not sitting next to us (cough Alex cough).

I swear this boy is just begging to fight my dad for a month with all his flirting.

There was fifteen minutes left to breakfast when I left with Kat to grab mine, her's, and Lexi's bag since we, hm, "forgot them" on our way down. I ended up carrying Lexi's bags on our way to Research and Development. As we entered the lab, I saw my spot was taken by Powers making me sigh and look at Kat who simply shrugged and skipped-like actually skipping kind of skipped-to her seat in the front of class where apparently Skip was sitting in the seat next to her. I sighed seeing there was only two open spots left now and that was either next to Jo or next to Alex, so I walked over to Jo and sat next to her. Before I could even get my bag on the table Jo spun around in her seat and looked at me, giving me an expression that could have been read as thank-God-its-you-and-not-Nick or dear-God-help-me. (It's hard to tell with her.) I decided on the first option and smiled before nodding my head behind us at Lexi and Powers. Even though Jo isn't one of my best friends, she is still the closest person to me that isn't my best friend. So it made sense she got what I meant with just a head nod.

Dr. Fibbs came in right after that and started talking about how we will be working on making new flavored envolopaper with things you find in a hotel room. Every time Dr Fibbs would ask a question, Kat and Skip would answer at the same time making him smile or let out a light chuckle seeing now there was another Kat. To be honest, it was pretty funny (and confusing) watching the two talking all science-y.

Dr. Fibbs finally let us start making the envolopaper which then started a lot of people choking on the bad flavored they accidentally made. From behind me a pencil hit my head making spin around and give it back to Lexi as she handed me a her own creation which I looked at funny. She rolled her eyes.

"Chill, Zags. I already tried it and it doesn't taste half as bad as you would expect." Lexi continued to offer the paper to me. I took it and tore it in half, giving the other half to Jo.

"On three." I said to Jo who looked at Lexi then me and nodded. I waited a second before speaking again. "Three." And just like that the envolopaper was in our mouths and gone. To my surprise Lexi was right. It didn't taste bad. We looked at her with amazement.

"Are you guys really that shocked at it not tasting like a trash can? I mean hello, I am the daughter of the two smartest people on earth. I think I can make envolopaper that tastes good if I was able to help said parents make everything-proof shoes and backpacks." At this we laughed it and went back to doing our own lab work.



Con: everyone turns and looks at you before you are even in the door way.

Con: you have to sit in the front of class.

Pro: you get a spin-y chair.

Con (or is this a pro?): If someone comes in late as well they also have to sit in the front.

Con: Said someone was Alex.


"We're going over the basics." Dad said simply leaning on the corner of the desk I was sitting at. The class groaned taking dad by surprise, although he was probably acting surprise. "What? You guys don't think we should go over the basics? Okay. I see how it is." He pushed himself off the desk and walked around to the other side behind me and Alex, probably to get a better view of the class, probably to keep an eye on Alex flirting with me. "Raise your hand if you think that there is no use going over the basics because you know them like your best friend." Everyone in the class but Lexi, Kat, and myself raised their hands.

"Aw Gallagher. You don't know the basics of CoveOps?" Alex teased next to me, nudging me lightly.

"Aw, Blackthorne. You have such little standards for me." I teased back nudging him hard to the point where I could have knocked him off his chair. "No, I know the basics. And I also know how my dad teaches."

Alex looked at me confused as my dad patted my back.

"For those that raised their hands, pop quiz." More groaning came from those who had their hand raised. Dad mocked them and went back around to the front. Dad would ask those who raised their hands question varying from what a legend is to what a spy's life is. So in other words, he literally meant the basics. I had my foot propped up in the chair and a notebook on my leg so I could "take notes" when in reality Alex was passing notes and drawings to me that I would put in between the pages of the notebook.

"Alex, stop passing notes to my daughter." Dad said not even looking over at us. I hid my smile (and laughter) at Alex's confused face of how my dad could possibly know. He looked at me as if for an explanation so I cleared my throat and leaned over just enough to whisper loud enough for not only him but also my dad.

"Spy." I whispered. Dad stopped mid sentence and started laughing lightly while shaking his head. He turned around and looked at me as I was now sitting back in my previous position he continued shaking his head.

"You, Z, are certainly my daughter." Dad had managed to say holding his hand out for a high-five. I gave him the high-five he wanted and went back to saying what he was saying leaving the whole class confused as to what I said to make dad do that.

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