Chapter one

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"And can I start you all off with a couple drinks?" I asked, flipping my notepad to a fresh page and listening intently as the three guys told me their select beverages. I plastered a smile on my face,
"Okie doke! I'll be right back with those" I plopped my notepad into my apron and walked over to the waitress computer, where I punched in their orders.

I never went to college, and the only reason I was working at ihop as a twenty-two year old was so I could afford working anywhere else. Don't get me wrong, I loved the place, chad and ty in the kitchen, Walter on cleaning staff, bry and shay and Callie as my other waitresses, Em as the hostess, the people were lovely and I was happy to call them my closest friends. It was a working family I tell you.

But customer service wasn't my thing, I didn't enjoy waltzing around the place, taking the demands people throw at me and bringing them breakfast, it wasn't ideal. I was thankful however that the whole place was empty except for the table seating the dirty-blond, red head and the dark haired man, all three of them chatting away happily. It was nine-thirty two and the only other staff was ty, and Callie, of whom were cooking and rolling the cutlery.

I returned bearing the three drinks and placed them down in front of the guys, they all muttered thank yous.

"Are you all ready to order?" I asked, looking towards the pile of closed menus,

"We sure are," said the dirty-blonde.

He and the dark haired guy ordered first and I took them down in my notepad before moving on to the redhead, upon it being his turn, he opened a menu, pointed to something on the page and said; "I'll have this." I had to lean down next to him to see what he was pointing to, and I was subconsciously aware of the other two guys in hysterics, I myself began to laugh a little bit.

I scurried off to the computer once more and punched in the orders, as I was walking past the table where Callie was rolling the cutlery, she caught me smiling to myself.

"Those guys seem like a riot," she said, "they're in here pretty late at least once a week"

"They're pretty funny," I replied, before quickly making my way to the hostess stand and dropping off their menus. I never worked night shifts, and that's probably because I requested with tammie to only work mornings.

I told her it was because mornings are when we are most busy, and I thoroughly enjoy making money in tips, though truthfully it was more because my boyfriend Eli and I like to watch movies every night, and that wasn't something I liked to skip out on, especially because it's never busy at night so I don't feel the need to be there.

A little while later I returned to the table bearing three plates holding steaming-hot meals, I watched as I carefully placed them down, as the red haired guy rubbed his hands together and uttered a "yum" under his breath,

"Careful, the plates are hot!" I said to them. They all nodded and once more did I run off to begin sweeping the back booths. About ten minutes later I returned, the Barbie smile plastered still on my face.

"Everything's tasting alright here..?"

"Sure is, hey what's your name?" Asked the dirty blonde, "because we come here often and I've never seen you before." Just before I opened my mouth to answer, I heard the dark hair laugh and saw the red head roll his eyes,

"Well, I'm (Y/N), I don't usually work night shifts, so that would make sense as to why you've never seen me." I said, smiling my fake, retail smile.

"I'm  Max, this is Ross and Tim," the red head spoke up, motioning to himself, then to the dirt blond, and finally to the dark hair,

"Nice to meet you all, long day?"

"Oh yeah, a fucking long day," said the brunette, laughing quite loudly at his remark.

"I hardcore feel it, Thursdays tend to just drag on and on," I said, leaning on the table with one hand.

"Especially when you're sitting in front of a computer screen editing one of Adams fuckin' two hour long videos," said the one called Tim again, the two others joined in a laugh, clearly understanding something I didn't.

"Well waitressing doesn't quite soar past either, but we're here now and the day's almost over," I said, the goofy grin unwavering on my face.

"Amen to that, sister." Said the blond,

I left them to eat their breakfast/dinner and made my way to the table with Callie, and began to roll cutlery with her. Having a seemingly endless conversation, I hardly realized the three guys had finished up until they were on their way out the door and I was calling out to them what my internal waitress script told me to every time the door was opened.
"You guys have a good night now,"

"Yeah you too!" Called the red-haired one in response.

I found myself watching them bound away towards their cars through the large front windows, my eyes trailing them as the door swung closed and they ambled into the night, laughing about things unknown to me.

"He's a cutie, huh?" Callie asked, pulling me from my daze,

"I guess,"

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