chapter twenty-two

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and falling-

and Eli-

and (beep, beep, beep) and


Pain and-

(Beep, beeeep, beep)

and She's okay-

and beeping what is that damn (beep,)-

Are you sure?-

(Beep, beep, beep, beep)

and One hundred percent just-

falling and falling-


Eli and Eli and oh Eli-

He's- he's what?

(beep, beep,)


Oh my gosh-

oh my gosh-

Eli and-


oh my god

max and-

"Max" My eyes snapped open but I squeezed them shut and winced against a blinding bright light. The beeping hadn't ceased and I became aware of a dull ache in the back of my head but against my will I pried open my eyes. Blinking and watering, they got used to it, I was looking at a ceiling made of white.

"Hello (y/n)" Said a soothing male voice, I sat up sharply, the worsening ache in my head immediately making me regret it but I shook it off and looked around at the white walls and white floor and white ceiling. After a few seconds, I began to see properly again, though through a glassy haze. I saw a whiteboard with my name on it, a wooden door sitting slightly ajar, and a doctor standing to my right.

"Heloo" I called, happily, yet confused.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, looking at me over his glasses,

"Just fine and dandy," I replied, flashing a smile.


"No, sorry I lied my head really hurts," I said, physically wincing at the thought.

"Yes well, you have a slight concussion"


"Can you tell me anything you remember?" I pressed my lips together into a line as the memories came flooding back, memories of me outside-

Me with Eli-

Drunken Eli-

And Eli walking into the road-

And getting hit by a car-



"Yes, I can."

"What happened?"

"Well," I coughed a little bit, and had to close my eyes as a brief wave of pain washed through me, "I was- I was going for a walk and I saw my ex-boyfriend in an alley kinda thing." He was wildly scribbling things down on a clipboard as I talked,

"What's his name?" He asked,

"Eli- uh- Fitzgeralt. anyways, he was drunk and well- we recently broke up so he was asking for me back again, only I was saying no."

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