How You Met!!

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Hi guys!! It's Gabbie!! Here's my first story!! And like Shadow said....we're not going to write smut!! I'M SORRY!! But if you were to meet me, you would know I am such a cinnamon roll that once this happened...
*me and shadow sitting in class, having conversation with classmates*
*one boy starts talking about.....stuff*
*Shadows eyes widen and covers my ears*
"What? What is it", I asked
"Shhhhhhhhh, can't listen", she says
So yea that's basically me. Anyway, here is my first story!!!

You had just got out of work at hospital. Of course, you worked with that cancer patients and you had just watched one patient you've grown so close to leave this wonderful world. This was the second time this week. Whenever this would happen, you would head down to the park and jog around it. As you were running, this one guy would always pass you saying the same line over and over again; "On your left". When you first heard it, it totally threw you off. He was way faster than you of course. You thought that was the only time he would do it, but then he did it again; "On your left," he would say. It started to get annoying after awhile. Sometimes, you could see him smirk a little as he would turn at the curve up ahead. This continued for maybe about 10 minutes before you were out of breath and about to pass out. You walked over to a near by tree and slid down. The jogging dorito (you've decided to call him that after seeing him pass by, you seeing how wide his shoulders were and how big they were compared to his hips) saw you were sitting down and came over to you. "You alright, ma'am," he asked in a concerned voice. You smiled up at him, your heart skipping a beat as his soft blue eyes looked down at you. He was a very fine looking man. He had a chiseled jaw and his blonde hair was swept over to one side. And wore a provokingly tight gray shirt to display the most muscular muscles in the whole city of New York. He had a kind smile as you chuckled and looked up at him. "Couldn't be better," you said laughing. He smiled at you the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. "You were running circles around me, and I thought I was in shape," I said jokingly. "Well, I didn't mean for you to think that. You are a very good runner," he said smiling. "Yeah, yeah, sure," you said laughing. "Steve Rogers," he said holding out his hand to help you up. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," you said placing your hand in his larger one, him pulling you up, "I thought that you looked familiar. Thanks for all you've done by the way. My best friend is alive because of you. She was working in STARK tower when the attack came. Scared her so much. Now she's alive because of your team. Can't thank you enough," you said. He smiled down at the ground trying to contain a deep red blush. He looked back at you and smiled, causing you to blush too. "Well, maybe you could thank me by....going out for a cup of coffee with me?," he asked a little unsure. He quickly looked down, turning another deep red, the same shade you were. "Okay, I'll give you my number," you said a little unsure yourself. He smiled at you and you gave him your number. You wrote it down in this little notebook that he kept you would find out later for things he would need to catch up on. Then, you guys said goodbye and you started to walk away. As you walked away, you looked back to make sure he wasn't watching. Then you turned back around and started jumping up and down. You couldn't keep it in anymore. First, you meet Captain America. Then you talk with Captain America. Then, you're going to go on a date with Captain America. You couldn't help it. What you didn't realize was that he had turned around and he saw you jump around and he smiled.

You walked in through the sliding glass doors. Your hands clutched your folder full of papers. Today was your first day of working at STARK towers. Or, now the new Avengers headquarters. You had been looking for a job and interviewed for lab assistant. For Dr. Bruce. Banner. He was is physics hero. You had PH.D. in physics. He inspired you to pursue a career in the sciences. To be honest with yourself, you picked physics because you wanted to be exactly like Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper. You love the Big Bang Theory. Plus, you just like science!! Anyway, today was your first day. You walked up to the front desk where a girl with red hair sat typing. "Hi. How can I help you," she asks politely. You gulped and looked down. Sometimes talking to people made you nervous. The only reason you got this job was because your friend from college, Tony Stark (yes that's right, your friend is Tony Stark, probably one of the most scariest and probably the hardest person a shy person could be friends with) was the one who interviewed you. "....Hi-I-I'm Dr. (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I'm the new-la-lab assistant for-Dr.-Dr. Banner," you said a little unsure. She smiled kindly at you. "That's right! My names Pepper Potts. I'll show you to the lab," she said.
With that, she showed you the way to the lab.
*time skip brought to you by Steve, Bucky, Loki, and Thor reacting to a toaster*
Dr. Banner was late today. Or you were just early. The point was, you were alone in the lab. At first you sat at your desk, straightening your papers and pens and what not. Then, you got up and straightened your appearance. Had to look as professional as you could. Finally you started making your own little invention. Okay, so just because you are a physicist, doesn't mean you can't be an inventor. When you started to make what seemed to be a flashlight powered off of wind, the door opened. You quickly stuffed the flashlight into a random draw. Then he came in; Dr. Bruce Banner. You stood up and straightened yourself again. He saw you and smiled slightly. "Hi. I'm dr. Bruce Banner, you must be (Y/N)," he said kindly. You smiled slightly. "Yes sir, sorry, I-I got here before you and-," you started motioning towards your desk where the flashlight was stuffed in. "Hey, no no no problem," he said,"that's what we're here for, right," he said smiling. You looked down blushing. You looked up at him smiling, not a slight smile, but a full teethe smile, which Bruce thought was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life.

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