They Ask You To Be Their Girlfriend!!!!!

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So it has been maybe a month since you and The Jogging Dorito (ever since he saw his contact name in your phone, it kinda stuck) met. And your very protective brother wanted to meet the man who you would text until night (yes, Cap can text. And if you don't have a brother, pretend it's your sister. And if you don't have any siblings... Pretend it's your best guy friend). And...he was about to get his wish soon. You had ran into your brother at a nearby coffee shop. You were on your break and decided to go there for lunch. You found your brother and started talking. What you didn't see was that your Jogging Dorito was walking by. He was walking by when he saw a familiar face. He looked in and saw you with a man he didn't know. A man that was your age and was...very attractive. Anger bubbled inside Steve as some strange force forced him into the shop. You turned from your conversation and saw Steve. "Steve! Hi! How are you?," you asked hugging him. "Uh good," he said a little unsure. "Oh! Steve, this is (Y/B/N). (Y/B/N), this is Steve," you said, your brother taking Steve's hand shaking it. "Hi. I've heard so much about you-wow that is a very firm grip. You were right about him having muscles," he said pointing to Steve's biceps, making you blush. Steve forced a chuckle, not really understanding who this guy was. "Well, I should probably get going, I have to get back at the fire station. Nice meeting you, Steve. See you later, (Y/N/N) [your nickname]," he said kissing you on the cheek. Steve gritted his teeth and was resisting the urge to punch the guy. "Bye," you said to your brother. You turned to Steve who was looking out the window with a look in his eye. "Hello?," you said waving your hand in front of his eyes, "earth to Steve," you said laughing. He snapped out of his day dream. "What? Sorry," he apologized quickly. "It's fine," you said. You started to throw away your cup when you were interrupted. "So, (Y/N)," Steve asked. You turned to him. "Yes?". "So, um, you and that you-?," he started trying to find the right words. You looked at him in a confused way. "Do you," he said making his hand to a rolling motion as if almost finding the right words, "Fon-fondue?," he asked turning three shades of red. You blinked. "What?," you asked stupidly. "Um, I guess that's not the right word. Are you and that guy-," "oh, oh I see what you're saying," you said cutting him off. Steve let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you understand. I didn't know how to say it," he said chuckling. "But no, (Y/B/N)? He's my brother!," you said laughing. "Oh. Oh! Okay," he said. You chuckled and took your last sip of your coffee. "Would you like to be mine?," he asked. Hearing those words come out of his mouth, you spit out an outburst of coffee, making people stare at you. You had coffee on your scrubs and Steve helped you by grabbing napkins. As he handed them to you, you saw how pink his face was. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to you to react that way," he said whispering the last part. "No no it's not your fault. It's one has asked me to be their ever," you said. "Well, that's about to change," Steve said grabbing your hand.

Bruce being Bruce, of course he was nervous at the very thought of you being "more than a friend". He knew he liked you. You were always in his head. And it was starting to effect his everyday life. He couldn't work, he couldn't sleep...he was loosing it. The problem is, he doesn't have the courage to ask you to be his. And you were the same way. When you started to have feelings for Bruce, you started to avoid him; meaning only talking to him about work related material and only using the vocabulary of "hello" and "good bye" and "Bruce". Bruce was the same way. Luckily, Tony was there to the rescue. He was tired of watching his two friends avoid each other because of how they feel. Time for his flirtatious side to come into play. One day, while you and Bruce were working on a chemistry problem, Tony came up to you. "Hello dear," he said to you from behind. You jumped at the sudden sound. "Hello, Tony," you whispered, drawing a syringe full of the solvent you had mixed up. (yes, you are a physists, but you also do engineering and chemistry). "That's fun," Tony said jumping up onto the counter. You looked out of the corner of your eye, giving Tony a questionable look. "What are you doing," you asked. "Just talking to my favorite scientist ever," he said, "no offense, Big Guy," he said to Bruce, who had the same confused look as you had. What was he doing? Is he.... flirting with her? He can't be.... right? You bit your lip, not understanding what was happening. You went back to your work, pretending to write down something important. "Right, okay. Tony, I have to get back to work so if you would please go-," you started, "yeah, about that; I think it's time for you to have a break," he said. You and Bruce both looked up at him. "What," you both asked in sync. "Yea. I mean, it seems that you don't really get that many breaks so-," "what does that mean," Bruce asked. Tony looked at him. Part one; get Bruce angry, check. "Well, I mean, she does get lunch breaks if that's what you mean, but it doesn't seem like she ever gets a vacay. Luckily, her best boss ever is making today her vacation day," Tony said. "......I'm her boss," Bruce said defensively. "Yes..... but I'm your boss, so technically I'm her boss too," Tony responded. Bruce closed his eyes and breathed in through his nose, counting to ten; something he learned to do to calm his nerves. Right, okay what is going on, you thought. A mischievous look shined in Tony's eyes. What was he up to? "Alright, alright, no need to get so tense, I just want to make sure that this girl lives her life fully," he started, "it's a beautiful night; I want to make sure she has the time of her life.... if you know what I mean," he winked at you. A sound of you almost choking came out of your mouth. Tony looked at Bruce and saw a flash of green flash in his eyes. Part two; get him jealous, check. "Tony, you're my friend and I would like to keep it like that," you said. "Yes but (Y/N), I don't want to be 'just friends'! I want to be more! I can't get you out of my head and I don't want this barrier to be between us anymore!!," Tony yelled, waving his hands around dramatically. Bruce growled behind you. "Tony calm down-," you started. "GAH! Be mine!!," and then Tony grabbed you by the waist, slammed his lips onto yours, and dipped you over. That was Bruce's breaking point. Bruce grabbed you by the arm and pulled you away from Tony. You tumbled back a bit, but was steadied when you found the counter behind you. Bruce was already in Tony's face. Tony just stared down at his angry friend. "Listen here, Stark, you don't just go around kissing every girl you are friends with! And especially when they clearly say that they want to stay friends! And a beautiful girl like (Y/N) should be treated like a queen; not a Playboy bunny!," Bruce turned abruptly on his heel and faced you. The green that was shining in eyes were electric. "(Y/N) I have been wanting to ask you this for a long time, but please be my girlfriend," he said, making sure to include the "please". You smiled and barely muttered out "yes". Bruce grabbed your hand and looked back at Tony, leading you to go to a fancy restaurant. As for Tony, he turned around on his heel. "Part three; make my best friends the relationship goals of the team, check," he said as if looking into a distant camera; narrating the story of his OTP.

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