•how you cuddle•

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I don't know who the artist of all the crappy avengers drawings I've been putting in the media is but god bless them.
When you and Peter cuddle, you cuddle. You'll get a big soft blanket, maybe put on a movie, and you won't move for several hours. Peter will put you in his lap, his arms around your waist, and rest his head on your shoulder. Every now and then he would peck your cheek or whisper a sassy remark to something from the movie, making you chuckle.

Pietro is a speedster. He's always running, going fast, his life revolves around speed. Until he's with you.
Typically at night or when you two are alone, you'll lay on the bed, his arms around your waist and yours around his neck. You'll lay there with your eyes closed and talk for hours on end, just taking each other in.

Much like her brother, Wanda was most romantic and sentimental later in the day. You two would lay down on your sides facing each other and interlocked your hands. Most of the time you would play old records on a record player she bought a few months ago, or just play whatever song shuffle brought up on your phone.
(I don't know why I just see Wanda as this very artsy person whose totally into art, old flowers, and old records and all that fun stuff)

Nat wanted you to feel as safe as possible with her. When you two cuddled, Natasha would be lying on her back, your head on her chest while your arms were wrapped around each other. If it was a bad day or something was bothering one of you, you two would talk about it a bit. If not, you would usually watch some show on TV.

Loki wasn't the cuddley-est person around, anyone could see that. What they couldn't however, was your persistence for them, especially on a bad day. When you did want a cuddle, you would lie next to each other, your faces inches apart and interlocking hands. You two would have conversations about anything and everything. Loki would also sneak in several kisses and pepper your face with them on a bad day.

Man Bucky was hardcore cuddler I'm telling ya. Sometimes you would just be sitting in the living room filling out paper work for a previous mission you just completed when, especially if you were stressed; Bucky would pick you up by the waist and lay you down on the couch with him. You would wrap your arms around each other and tangle your legs together. Sometimes you'd talk, sometimes you wouldn't, you'd just embrace each others presence, running your fingers through and playing with each others hair.

You two spooned, Tony as the big spoon and you as the small one. Your legs wouldn't stay intact though, those floppy limbs went all over the bed. Sometimes however, Tony would have his laptop in front of you, his arm over your shoulder typing away, with the other one wrapped around your shoulder.

T'challa believed actions spoke louder than words, so when you two cuddled their wouldn't be much talking; just lying in the silence that said everything it needed to. T'challa would lie on his back while your head would be on his chest, with his wrapped around you. You would trace the outline his face with your fingers at least once during your cuddle session, putting a smile on his face.

A/N: OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO CUTE! Anyway, hope you guys liked! And by the way we got 1.01k views and #121 in fanfiction! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH YOU DON'T KNOW HOW EXCITED WE WERE ABOUT THIS! We're going to do a special chapter to celebrate, we just don't know what it'll be about yet. Anyway! I'm going to go eat a corn dog and rewatch Supernatural.

While I do that you guys guess this fandom reference:
"Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey.....stuff"

Love you all! See you soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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