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Hey guys, shadow here, I've seen everyone else posting about this so I will too. I don't know if this is real or not but if it is, know that any mean messages or story updates from either this account, or me or Gabbie's personal ones are just hacks. We love all of you and think/know you are all amazing people capable of doing anything you want to accomplish. And if any of you are feeling bad about yourselves in any way, shape, or form, know we are always open to talk. I've personally thought negative of myself in the past and done things to myself I'm not proud of, so I know some of you out there might feel. Just know me and Gabbie love every last one of you and are always open to talk if you need it. Even though this turned more into a 'your a perfectly amazing human being' talk than a warning, please just spread the warning about 4Chan guys! Thanks!

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