First Date!!

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Hiya guys!! So just an FYI, I'm sorry this has taken us (or mainly me) so long to write these. I have been so busy with school work and track that I have had no time to write and it was very hard to find inspiration for some. But anyway, also these ones of mine right now are very long. I am one who talk a lot and writes really large stories, even preferences (it comes from the name right? Gabbie?) anyway these ones are pretty long and some of mine might be long, some might not. Shadow's is the same. Alright, I hope you guys enjoy!!
So yes, you did go get coffee. Sounds like the first date, right? Nope. After the coffee date, you and Steve had stayed in touch. Wether it was meeting for coffee, talking on the phone for an hour(which it takes 30 minutes itself for him to figure how to answer the phone), going on runs, and then sometimes on dates. It started off with him asking you to another coffee date, then you asked him to a movie. It kind of became a sort of pattern between the two of you. Really, there wasn't really just one first date. Each date was like a first. The one you would never forget was just the other day. Steve had sent you a text in the morning. It was weird at first, because knowing Steve, it was still hard for him to understand the technology. The text read hi (Y,N), it's Steve. I wanted to ask you if you would like to come over to the Avengers Tower tonight? I guess you would consider it a date. Please let me know. From Steve. That was the first text. You wiped the sleep from your eyes and then your phone buzzed again. Hey (Y,N). If you were wondering how the capsicle shot that text, it was yours truly the whole time😎See ya soon, Tony Stark. You laughed a little that Steve needed help. You quickly shot Steve a text back saying you'd see him there.

*time skips brought to you by Steve dosing off while eating Shwarma*

You had arrived at the Avengers tower and were welcomed by a female voice. Since JARVIS was put into Vision, the new security is called FRIDAY. "Hello Ms. (Y,N)," she said. You stopped in your tracks and looked around. "Um, hello?," you said. "Let me introduce myself. I am FRIDAY, Mr. Stark's new computer system," she said. "Oh, hello," you said. "And you must be here for Mr. Steven. He wanted to let you know he will be with you in a moment. Please, make yourself at home," she said. And then she was gone. You slowly walked over the to probably the biggest living room you've ever seen. I mean, seriously, it was the size of your little apartment. And the tv. The tv was the size of your twin sized bed. You sunk down into the leather couch. You probably sat there for about 5 minutes before you heard footsteps come into the room. You looked up and saw Steve walk in. "Hi, (Y,N), thanks for coming here tonight," he said smiling that smile that made you blush. "No problem, I love hanging out with you. You are my favorite superhero," you said, making him blush. "So, what do you want to do," you asked curiously. "Well," he said pulling something out of his back pocket and sitting down next to you,"I was hoping you could help with...I guess 'catching up' on the 21st century? It's 21st century, right?," he asked you a little embarrassed to ask you. You chuckled and nodded. "Right, anyway so, you choose anything in this notebook that I need to catch up on, and that's what we'll do tonight," he said. Awww, you thought, that's so sweet. "Okie dokie, that sounds like fun!," you said smiling. He smiled back at you and handed you the little gray notebook. You flipped through it and looked at some of the things written down. Kardashians...nope, not yet. Tumblr...ah heck no!! Donald Trump...I think Tony will take care of that. Then you found the one thing you knew was the one thing Captain America needs to learn now before anymore of these movies come out; Star Wars. I pointed to it and showed it to Steve. "Star Wars. Okay, let's watch them," he said.

*time skips brought to you by the jogging Dorito*

Finally, the ends scenes came on and you turned it off. You looked over at Steve who was staring at the tv. "Oh. My. Gosh," he said. You laughed at his reaction. "Don't they realize though that Vadar is still out there?," he asked me. "You'll have to watch the next one to find out," you said getting up to grab more popcorn. "Can we now," he asked you. With him looking at you, he almost looked like Luke. "Alright then, Skywalker," you said laughing and sitting back down.

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