Chapter 5 Arrival

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The piercing howl echoed throughout the entire forest, I pushed my wolf form to full speed. My mind was screaming Nessie’s name. ‘Not Nessie, not Nessie, not her. Nessie, Nessie, Nessie, Nessie…’ Only half of my pack is in the clearing with the hybrid, it was from Sam’s pack that crossed her path and cornered her near the Cullen’s treaty border. Seth and Leah are running towards us at full speed, Leah holding back a bit for her brother. Both of them were at their place with Sue and Charlie at La Push. My head snapped to my right when I caught a familiar scent, I gave a curt nod to Edward.

“I left Nessie with Bella, Esme, Emmet, and Rosalie. Carlisle, Alice, and Jasper are right behind me.” He said after reading the worry in my mind. “Bella have her shield up to protect everyone left in the main house.”

He already knew that the others have cornered the hybrid. It is trying to evade them but from the mind of the other wolves, both of us can see her snarling out of fear, but it seems that she knew exactly what to expect as she was not surprised when the wolves crossed her path.

Edward matched my pace and the other vamps were able to catch up to us with Jasper bringing up the rear. Circling around so that we came up behind the hybrid, we saw he head snapping up and she twisted to face us. Upon seeing the Cullen’s she relaxed a bit, but still hasn’t dropped her guard. She is still in defense position ready to leap and escape the first chance she’ll get.

I have to hand it to this hybrid, she’s smart. So maybe she is not stupid enough to know that we are ready to rip her head off in just one wrong move she’ll make. So whatever reason she has must be important to risk her life this way.

Upon our arrival, the wolves retreated a little bit but enough for them to still see her. Then the doctor stepped forward with Edward and Jasper flanking him on both sides. I stood my ground making sure that I can reach her in one leap, I’m not taking any chances for Nessie’s safety.

“Good evening.” Carlisle greeted her calmly as if welcoming her, sure enough Jasper is also using his ability to put her at ease while Edward will be reading everything in her mind to make sure she will not be lying. “Will you state your reason for visiting us?”

The hybrid scanned her surroundings making sure no one will attack her before turning her attention back to the doctor, she let out a sigh before answering. “Nahuel, my brother told me to come here he told me quite about you lot. I’m Jennifer, as you might have already known.”

“And what business do you have with us.”

“Asking for shelter or your protection for only a few days if possible.” She glanced at Alice before continuing. “I’m sure you already saw that my father was captured by the Volturi.”

Edward interrupted with a snarl before Carlisle can speak. “And what makes you think that we will endanger ourselves for you?” I growled my agreement.

“To return the favor of my brother helping your daughter. Back when he also risked his safety for coming here and exposing us all.” She paused before continuing. “I, my brother and sisters were safe  as long as we remained unknown to the vampire community, but all of that changed a few weeks ago.”

Edward and I growled angrily with the reminder, even Jasper and Alice let out a snarl including some wolves. It is taking all of my self-control not to just leap the remaining distance between us and rip her neck. This Jennifer hybrid is quite haughty for someone asking for our cooperation. At that exact moment Seth skidded beside me with Leah and the hybrid looked at them. I was not going to give them any attention when Seth gaze at her and their eyes met. My packs head seemed to turn at Seth’s direction in slow motion.

Any further discussion regarding this hybrid is disregarded for that moment, as Edward read from our minds what happened he sighed and turned to the others and inform them about what happened.

“It would seem that Jacob’s pack will protect her now, and since Nessie will be worried for his safety we will have to protect her too.”

Jasper and Carlisle looked at him confused. “What’s going on Edward?” Alice asked. “Your future got lost to me somehow, do you… Did it, --”

“Yes Alice, it is just as what you think.”

So that settles it, all though I am pleased for Seth I am quite annoyed how this was easily settled.


I was seething alone at the beach when Nessie’s laughter drifted to me, I turned to the direction where it was coming and saw that she was with Claire and Emily. I can see Quil behind them holding a basket in each hand.

“Jakey!” She squealed. “Look at what I found.” She held out her palm out to me and showed me a heart shaped shell in her hand.

I looked at her and she is staring at me expectantly. “It pretty Ness.”  I murmured and gave her a smile before scooping her up on my arms. She screamed with delight when I lifted her to the air.

            When I turned to look at Emily she was smiling at us both that made me embarrassed in a way, because her smile reminded me that in a few years now Renessme will no longer be a child. Although I can’t think of her that way yet like Quil think for Claire. Granted that her growth spur had slowed down a bit it will not be long now, she already thinks like an adult for her age.

“Bella dropped her off my place as she said that she can’t get a hold of you since last night, Billy doesn’t even know where you went.”

“That’s right Jake, good thing that Claire kept her occupied. You can’t believe how annoying she can be when she is insisting for you.” Quil said to me and judging by the amused smile on his face while adoringly looking at the two of them, I know that he is only joking. “It is a good thing that we decided to go to the beach. That’s how we ran into you.” He explained and went to help Emily in setting up the picnic basket.

“Um, thanks. I got quite a lot going on my mind right now, I guess I just needed some time to think.”

“Tell that to those who are worried about you Jake.” Emily said with knowledge in her eyes. “They are all thinking that you are trying to avoid them you know.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“That’s alright. But don’t think that you are alone man, we are here for you.” Quil added.

            I looked at him and was reminded that he is having a hard time with all of these, he can’t leave the pack and his imprint since Claire is still a child and is unable to decide for herself. So he won’t be able to bring her with us if it is time to leave, Quil haven’t decided what to do yet and he is holding on to the hope that we will not be leaving soon yet.

“So why are you here Jake.” He tossed me one of Emily’s baked muffins, we looked at the three girls having fun looking for shells along the beach.

“Just trying to decide what is best for everyone.” This is one of the reasons why I never wanted to be an alpha in the first place. “And trying to absorb what happened last night.”

“Yeah I know that was one hell of a night, I still can’t believe that Seth and that hybrid…” He left it unfinished as we all know what had happened that night, even Sam’s pack is already informed.

I know that some circumstances are beyond our control, but all I think about right now is Renesmee’s safety. Just as Bella and Edward are worried of what will happen from now on because of Jennifer since she is on the run from the Volturi and no one really knows if they are after her. But after the incident and the warning from Aro himself they will be waiting for news from the Cullen’s about any changes to Renesmee. We all thought that we don’t have to worry about those vampires visiting Forks for a long time, but no one really knows the future. Except for Alice, all of us are depending on her foresight to warn us of any danger that might come our way. I looked back to where Emily, Claire and Renesmee are and silently prayed for our safety, especially for my Renesmee.


Hope you like it, sorry for not updating for too long. Had no access to a computer for a long period of time. Enjoy.

Please tell me what you think so I can make any improvements… ^_^


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