Chapter 1: Jinx's P.O.V.

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Those lime green eyes where the only thing I saw in my head when I stormed from the room. Didn’t she know what she did to me; I mean she was the one thing that made my life worth living right now but she could never know that. I growled to myself before I spun on the wall punching a whole through only half of it. Blood streamed down my fisted hand as I moved away cussing under my breath. I may have just broken my hand but I frankly didn’t care. My eyes then pricked with tears as I realized that I just told three of the demon guys to kill her. Fuck! No, it’s for the best.

Just as I began walking away, a thud came from inside the room. I winced, knowing it was most likely a part of her, slung against the wall. I growled as anger boiled inside of me. What the fuck did I just do? I stood there, frozen in the hall as I heard the door open. “Did,” my voice broke. I cleared my throat. “Is it done?”

Her voice came from behind me. “Yes, it’s done.” I spun around to see her standing there, covered in blood that didn’t belong to her and her clothes slightly shredded.

I was pissed at the fact that she had killed three of my best men but I was happy that she was alive. I was happier than anything else. But, she couldn’t know that. She could never know that.

I smirked. “So, care to explain how you just killed my three best men.” She laughed loudly.

“To be your best they were kind of weak, Jinx. In fact, they didn’t stand a chance. Once my hands were on them, they were goners.” She smirked back at me. “And, if you don’t step out of the way, your fate will be the same. Oh I almost forgot to address you properly, your highness.” She spit the words at me.  

“Shut up!” I growled then after thinking a little whispered. “Fine go ahead kill me, I don’t give a fuck. Go ahead kill the prince of demons let’s see what will happen then.” My eyes were on her before I moved closer to her. “I’ll make things easier for you; I’ll let you kill me.” And at that I smirked at her.

“You know, your little demon buddies can’t hurt me if they wanted to, Jinx. You’re not the only one here with a royal status. I am princess of the hunters, next in line to be queen. You could kill me and expect to be killed in return by the hunters. You will get a worse sentence then I would because we have been trying to kill you for years. So, yeah, go ahead buddy, let me kill you. But just so you know, your little ‘the demons will get her back’ plan won’t work. Plus, I like a kill that will fight back. It seems… unfair if you just let me. I mean, it’s already unfair when you fight back.” She laughed. “I may be small and look innocent but believe me, I’m nowhere near it.”

Why must she torture me like this? I sighed heavily to myself before turning my back on her, I wasn’t about to fight this beauty that stood before me. So I clinched my hands into fists before I moved toward my car mumbling under my breath.


I watched as he turned his back on me and began to walk away. I reached forward and grabbed his wrist and yanked him back around. “What, first you say you want to fight then, you walk away from it. What is wrong with you? I get the whole ‘Oh, I’m a demon and I’m a prince and I’m better then all of you’ act but for real? I mean, really? You sure as hell talk a lot of shit, Jinx. Why don’t you just fight me?” He looked down at me, anger and something I couldn’t place mixed in his eyes.

“Ava, there are something’s that you will never understand about me so I suggest you just leave me to what I’m going to do.” He spoke softly before he moved causing his wrist to slip from my hand our fingers brushing against each other. He froze only for a second before his hand tightened into a fist. “Just leave it, Ava, if you know what’s best for you.” He moved suddenly pinning me up against the wall hissing slightly.  “Just leave it.”

I turned my face away from his not wanting to look into his eyes for fear of what he can do to me. “Fine, I’ll leave it. But I’m not going to stop hunting you down. You’re a wanted demon, Jinx. One that many are out to kill and truthfully, I want to be the one to do it.” I turned to look at him again and I swear I saw tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry, that’s just how it works. That’s who we are. I want you dead, you want me dead and at one point, one of us is going to die by the others hand. I just feel the world would benefit more if I lived. Today, I’m giving you a ‘get out of jail free’ card, but, tomorrow is a brand new day. So go, Jinx, before I change my mind.”

Jinx looked at me with an emotion I didn’t know of. The look was…he looked away too fast for me to tell what that emotion was. He brought back his fisted hand and punched the wall beside my head. He was growling to himself not looking at me. “If you are sorry for me then you are a fool.” His voice was a growl as he looked at me. “A fool that will soon die.” He then pushed himself away from me before he stalked away to his car.

I laughed before yelling. “I’m not sorry for you, Jinx! No one could ever be sorry for you! You’re a demon, babe! A heartless, soulless son of a bitch.” He froze in place and suddenly, what I had said hit me. “Oh, shit.”

When he had froze in place the only part of him that moved was his body as it trembled his fist clinched at his sides. Darkness seemed to seep from his body as he turned to face me, his eyes burned with actual fire. The fire disappeared then, in a way, I saw both fear and rage in his eyes as he stalked toward me. He grabbed the front of my tattered shirt and lifted me from the ground before slamming me against the wall. His eyes met mine for a split second and there I saw lust and something else mixed with rage. “How are you doing this to me?” He hissed before slamming his lips down on mine.

I froze between him and the wall, surprised at the unknown feeling rushing through my body. Then, without my permission, my body reacted to his. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands wrapped themselves in his hair. He groaned deeply as he pressed himself against me and I pressed my lower self against him harder. He bit my lower lip, demanding entrance to my mouth and that’s when I got control of myself. I unwrapped myself from him and bit his lip as hard as I could, bringing blood. I pushed him away and he dropped me.

He laughed and wiped the blood from his mouth as I stood. “I knew you wanted me.”

I laughed. “Me making you bleed is a sign that I want you? Man, the worlds changed a lot in the last five minutes.”

He chuckled. “Sweetheart you have no idea.” And at that he walked away from me a huge smirk spread across his face. “Oh and Sweetheart just be glad I didn’t kill you, I could have stolen your soul right then and there.”

A burst of fear ran through my body as I grabbed my chest, as if I was making sure my soul was still there. I gave a laugh; a laugh that even I could tell was fake, “Yeah, as if you could.” I mumbled.

He sighed to himself. “I could have but you’re lucky it was controlled. You’re lucky-” He cut off his sentence quick before he growled climbing into his car slamming the door shut, and then he was gone as if he were never here with me.

I starred at the place he had been standing just seconds before and sighed. I reached up and touched my slightly swollen lips where his had been pressed just moments before and felt a slight smile lift my lips. No! No, what are you thinking? You can’t do this! You can’t fall in love with a demon.

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