Chapter 9

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A girl? A girl! I hope she looked like her mother. I sighed softly as I sat in my car staring at the house before me. I had been sitting here since I pulled into the driveway fifteen minutes ago. I couldn’t do this…I had to keep myself at a distance. I have to protect them but then the thought hit me. Hunters! How can I protect them from hunters if I’m at a distance?

“Fuck!” I yelled before opening the car door and climbing out.

Ava’s P.O.V.

Pain erupted in my lower back and I moaned, stupid Braxton Hicks contractions. They feel so real. I sat up a little as I saw a car pull into the houses driveway through the window in my room.

“Who is that?” I asked Macy as she walked into the room a few minutes later. She didn’t get to answer me as I nearly yelled out in pain.

She ran to me and sat me back on the bed before throwing a blanket over my body. “I’m just going to check out very quickly. Don’t fret.” She whispered and I sat in an awkward silence as she looked at my lady parts.

“Oh, no.” She whispered.

“What? What do you mean by that?” I almost screamed.

“Sweetheart, you’ve gone into labor. His baby is coming now.” She said in a soft voice.

“Now?! It’s too soon!” I said before screaming as another contraction hit.

Jinx’s P.O.V.

Just as I walked through the front door, I heard Ava scream in pain. I froze for a millisecond before running toward the noise. I threw my bedroom door open and there, stretched on the bed, covered in blood was Ava. Her eyes me met mine and her mouth shaped my name but no sound escape came out. I began to walk forward but four sets of hands pulled me back, slamming me against the wall, the door shut and I pulled against the restraining hands as Ava continued to scream.

“Ava!” I yelled. “Ava, no!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying to fight against the hold.

The hands slammed me back against the wall and I just stayed there, tears streamed down my face as I slowly slipped down the wall. I pulled my legs up to my chest and put my head on my knees.

“Ava!” I screamed-whispered one more time. My life…..

Ava’s P.O.V.

I panted and squeezed my eyes shut against the pain. That is, until the door swung open. I turned to meet the shocked and frightened gaze of Jinx. I tried to say his name but no sound escaped my lips but just as he began to walk in, four of the demons I’ve seen around the house came from nowhere and pulled him back, slamming him against a wall. Right afterwards, Macy shut the door.

I looked down at the blood soaked sheets and screamed as another burst of pain hit me.

“Ava look at me.” I heard Macy say.

I managed to look at her but my body wanted to pass out on me, tears blurring my vision as I whispered. “I-I can’t do this!”

“Ava please you’re ready to give birth all you need to do is push.” Macy told me with a soft smile and when I breathed my ‘okay’ she looked at me. “Ava push as hard as you can.”

I did so screaming out in pain.

“Push again but harder this time, okay?” Macy said softly and at that I did so screaming again gripping the bed in pain as I did.

“Ava you’re doing such a good job I can see her head now. Push again sweetie.”

I pushed for the third time.

“Push, Ava. Push.” Macy told me and as I did she grinned at me. “Good job sweetheart.” My ears were filled with the sound of a crying baby. I was then handed my baby girl.

Jinx’s P.O.V.

Tear streamed down my cheeks as I sat there trembling but the moment I heard Ava’s screams, my hands covered my ears to block out the horrible sound. It didn’t work the screams just got louder, to the point of two demons grabbed hold of me to pull me away from it all but the moment they touched me the three of us were consumed into darkness. My actions weren’t my own.  They couldn’t be but they were. The sound of ripping flesh filled my ears as I growled out. “Stay away!” After that the darkness was gone, blood covered the walls and ground around me. I had done this, the two demons next to me were ripped in half, their souls coming out of their body toward me. I had just taken two souls from an incubus. That shouldn’t have been able to happen but what brought me from my darkened state?

My question was answered the moment I heard a baby crying. My baby girl was in there with Ava. My baby girl was welcomed into this fucked up world. I couldn’t move my body, I just stood there frozen but when the door opened to reveal Ava and our daughter in the doorway. Ava stared at me but the moment our eyes meet I bolted off.

Ava’s P.O.V.

There ripped apart bodies lay at Jinx’s feet as his eyes meet mine; they were filled with horror before he bolted off, away from our daughter and I. I just continued to stare at the bodies in horror wondering what Jinx really did to them. How was he capable of killing his own kind like he would a regular human? Fear and shock filled my body as I held my baby girl closer to my body. I stepped slowly back into the room, shutting the door behind me. It was strange because of what I just went through, but I felt completely energized. I felt as if I could do anything.

I looked up as Macy came towards me. “You might not want to go out there for a little while.” I said as I sat on the chair nearest the window. I looked down into the blue eyes of my daughter and was instantly reminded of Jinx and then another thought hit me.

As if reading my mind, Macy said. “What are you naming her?”

I smiled as I realized I’d already known since I was little what my first daughter’s name was going to be. “Agitha Grace Morgan.” I whispered, thinking of my grandmother.

“Agitha?” Macy asked. I looked towards her and instead of frowning at the name, like I expected her to be, she was smiling. “It’s actually pretty perfect.”

I smiled back at her thinking back to my grandmother but my smile faded as I thought of Jinx. The baby girl in my arms had Jinx’s eyes…her was here but so far away.

“Why is Jinx back if he wants nothing to do with Agitha and I?” I whispered mostly to myself but Macy was there to answer.

“I don’t know sweetheart but everything’ll work out just fine. Just wait and see.” She told me in a soft voice.

I sighed yet again, wanting to believe her. Suddenly, I was exhausted and for good reason. I climbed into my bed, and with Agitha lying on my chest, quickly fell asleep.

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