Chapter 2

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An hour later I was walking into the headquarters of the hunters, my tattered bloody clothes sticking out like a sore thumb as I walked through the halls, every eye on me till I reached my parents office. I pushed the door open ready to face the wrath of my parents who stood by their desk talking in a low hushed whisper before they looked up to see me enter there room.

“What on earth happened to you?” My mother fussed as my father remained silent sharing a conversation with me that was held with our eyes.

“Nothing,” I finally answered as I pulled away from her. “I just ran into some demons, nothing major.”

My father gave me a strange look before asking. “Did you find the prince?”

I hesitated before answering, making my decision quickly. “No, I couldn’t find him anywhere. I even questioned the demons. They don’t even know where he has been.” I sat in the wooden chair before my father’s desk. “Maybe the rumors are true, maybe he is already dead.”

“We can’t afford to think like that, Ava.” My father sighed heavily. “I wish we could but we can’t. It’s too risky. What if he were alive? What if he took you away from us all?” He paused looking at my mother. “We can’t afford to play stupid and believe that he is dead.”

I sighed. “I know that, dad. I wasn’t saying we should believe it entirely, just that we should consider it as an option.”

“He very well may be dead, sweetheart. But would you want to take that risk and walk around more freely just to have him show up at your doorstep and take you away when you least expect it?” My mother asked as she continued to fret over my clothes.

“Just consider the possibilities. Please, for us.” My father sighed. “And please change before your mother has a heart attack.” He gave a small chuckle looking lovingly at my mother who smacked him at the comment.

I stood and made my way to the door. “Oh, and, Ava,” My father said. I turned to meet his eyes. “It’s good to have you home.”

I smiled at my parents. “It’s good to be home.” I whispered before leaving the room in search for my own.


I drove and drove until the damn car ran out of gas but I was too close to home. I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to face my father just like all those other nights. I haven’t looked at the man since he killed my mother nor will I ever look at him again. I got out of the car, slamming the door before walking all the way to the nearby set of woods where I pushed through the trees just to get to my private little area of fallen down trees and rocks. I needed to get my mind off of this but how, I wasn’t so sure.

I sighed as I sat down on a fallen tree and starred down at my hands. How had my life gotten this complicated? I’m an incubus, incapable of love yet, here I am. And in love with the one girl that is out to kill me.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed heavily. The only explanation for the way I feel has to be the human blood in my veins. But, before her, before Ava, the only person I had ever felt this disgusting emotion for was my mother.

And now she is gone because of that dick! She would know exactly what to say to me right now. She would hug me and kiss my forehead, just as she did when I was a child, and whisper in my ear that everything was going to be just fine.

I growled and punched the fallen tree as hard as I could then wiped the escaping tears off of my face forcefully. Just as I wiped them away, I heard footsteps, breaking the leaves and twigs as they walked. I made sure that I had no signs of the mood I was in or of the fact that I had had tears running down my face. I turned to face whoever was coming to find that it was the one who comforted me just as much as my mother had before she was killed. My little sister walked into view, her eyes immediately meeting mine.

She smiled before making her way around all the fallen trees to my side. “You know that you can’t hide the fact that you have been crying from me, brother,” She reached over and wiped a tear from my cheek, “Especially if you do a horrible job at wiping the tears away.” She sat down on the tree next to me. “So, what’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything.”

My eyebrows furrowed together as I looked at this thirteen year old little girl with all of her wisdom. I reached over and brushed her brown hair away from her blue eyes. “You look so much like mother.”

“Is that a bad thing?” She asked me in a soft voice.

I shook my head as I looked away from her, moving so that I leaned forward, my elbows resting on my knees. “Sis, what would you think if I told you I knew someone who was a demon and he was in love with a human girl? How stupid is he?” I sighed, not wanting to look at my sister. Would she hate me if I told her I loved a human?

I heard her chuckle then felt her hand rest on my shoulder. “I think I would say I’m proud of you. You have a lot more of mother in you then I thought you did. And yes. You’re stupid but that’s what love does to you.”

“Who said I was talking about me?” I asked.

“Jinx, I may be younger then you but I’m not ignorant.” She squeezed my shoulder before standing up. “Now, come along. I’m starving and it is your turn to find food.”

“Okay, shrimp, let’s go.” I chuckled to myself as I stood before giving her a sideway glance with an even bigger smirk. “So, my car is out of gas and since I have to find the food, you can push my car to the gas station.”

She shot me a horrified glare which made me burst out laughing as she hissed. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“Oh, but I would. You should know me better than this.” But I was lying. I would never be that evil to my little sister.

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