Chapter 14: Jinx's P.O.V.

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I awoke hearing Aggie crying softly and before It got any louder, I slipped from the bed getting my little girl so that it didn’t wake up the sleeping beauty in the bed. And at that I smiled to myself looking at Ava for a moment…beautiful. And just to think we created this beautiful baby girl together.

Ava’s P.O.V.

I awoke not feeling anyone beside me. Were last night’s events just a dream? Or did Jinx just leave me again. I sat up then not seeing Aggie in the crib and that’s when panic filled my body before I bolted down the stairs just in time to see Jinx make a funny face at Aggie who was staring up at him with the eyes she got from him.

“Hey Jessie.” He looked up at him sister from his crouched position in front of the Aggie’s seat. “If you love me or your little niece then you will do a diaper change.”

“Ew,” Jessie’s face twisted up in disgust as she stared at Aggie. She then took her in one arm as she held her nose with her other hand. “Oh, wow, Ags. You smell really had.”

I couldn’t hold back the laughter as I watched. I shook my head at Jinx before taking Aggie. “Come on, daddy. It’s time you learn a thing or two about babies.”

Jinx groaned. “The things I do for love.” But he followed me anyway as I made my way to the nursery where I set Aggie down on the changing table.

“Jinx can you get me a diaper from over there.” I pointed to where I knew they would be and at that he left my side only for a moment before he returned with what I had asked for. “Now just watch.” And I laughed as he made a face.

“Watch? But that’s disgusting.” He groaned making me smack him hand which made him stick out his tongue at me.

“Just pay attention.” I laughed softly before removing Aggie’s diaper and wiping her down. I smiled at Jinx before putting her new diaper on and handing her over to him. “That’s all you have to do. Just make sure she stays clean.”

“How did you do that so quickly?” He said as Aggie reached into the air, closing her little hands into fists.

“I’m a mother, it’s what we do.” I smiled.

Jinx grinned. “Love you.” He then gave Aggie a kiss on the forehead. “Love you, too.”

I smiled. “You’re such a softly.”

His head snapped up almost immediately after my words as he looked at me as if I were crazy. “You did not just say that.” He said with a serious look on his face but I saw how he was trying not to laugh.

“Oh but I did.” I answered. “And you cant do anything about it.”

“Watch me.” He laughed.

“Oh, I do.” I told him.

“Like what ya see?” He grinned down at me.

I let my eyes wonder up and down his body. “Actually, I do.” I said, before winking at him.

“You two are disgusting.” Jessie’s voice said from the door way.

“You’re just jealous.” Jinx said and I was going to speak up but the sound of a gun interrupted me.

I ran to the window to find my mother, by herself, standing in the middle of our yard with a gun pointed to the sky. Jinx’s pulled me away from the window handing me our daughter. His eyes burned with anger as he moved us so that we were with his father. Jinx then rummaged through the bedside table pulling out a gun. He then stuck it in the waist band of his jeans before walking over to me.

“I love you.” He kissed me. “Get my mother if something goes wrong.”

“Jinx?” I heard his father say.

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