Chapter 7

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Dear readers,

sorry it took so long to get this up here. my friend and i were having trouble finding the original copy but we got it now and there will be quicker updates due to school letting out for chrismas. so just hold on! thanks for reading!!


I awoke wrapped in Jinx’s arms. My back was pressed to his warm chest and so I turned slowly to face him and smiled at his sleeping peaceful face. I pressed my lips lightly against his own and instantly, he was awake kissing me back. He grinned at the two of us kissed, moving so that he was hovering over me as he whispered softly. “Now I could get used to waking up that way.” And at that he pulled away looking down at me. “Good morning beautiful.”

I smirked. “Good morning, Sexy.” I said running my one of my hands down his amazing, god-like, torso…or should that be demon-like?

His own smiled turned into a smirk as he looked down at my body beneath him. Just as he was about to speak though, a loud noise followed immediately by a shriek interrupting us. We pulled away quickly. I grabbed a pair of shorts and his shirt and followed him from him room pulling clothes on as we ran down the hall.

Just as we were beginning to walk down the stairs, I froze. In the doorway to the house stood my mother, a dead demon at her feet. Jinx froze in front of me, staring at the scene before him.

I stomped my foot. “Jesus, mom! Can’t we get a frucking break?!” I yelled before launching myself at her and knocking her out of the house. Our bodies hit the ground almost knocking the breath out of me…almost. Looking up to check my surroundings I saw that we had an audience. My mother hadn’t come alone, but brought about fifty or so more hunters who surrounded the house. My eyes wondered toward the house to see that Jinx was stepping into the entry way of the front door. His perfect lips formed the word “fuck” before he bolted for his car. Was he seriously leaving here without me? I thought he loved me but if he’s leaving me here to die I guess not! I was interrupted from my thoughts when my mother punched my jaw.

I rolled away from her spitting out my own blood before I dabbed at my lips. A busted lip dammit! I shoot that off as I then ran for Jinx who was not at his car digging into the back seat. I nearly screeched out in pain as I was kicked from behind my body falling forward. Just as I fell forward I noticed what Jinx was getting from the back seat of his car. My lips formed a devilish grin as Jinx spun from the car snapping a gun up so that it was pointed at my mother and the rest of the hunters. He then grinned as they pulled their own guns out pointing them all at him.

“Humans.” He murmured pointing the gun at his head.

“NO!” I screeched as he pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened! Jinx was still standing there before me with a grin on his face. “Being the prince of an incubus and succubus race has its perks. Now if you want to shoot me then go ahead and be my guest!” He growled out. “Or we could just make this fun and let me get my souls for the day.” And at that he went into his full incubus form before everything went black from me. Did I hit my head?

I sat up and starred at my surroundings. Flowers of ever color blew in the breeze in the small meadow around me. I stood slowly, confused as I heard a child’s laughter which sounded behind me. I spun in my white summer dress toward the sound just as a little girl burst through the tree line.

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