Chapter 3: Ava's P.O.V.

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I sighed as I pulled my black, skin tight suit on made just for me. I turned and looked in the mirror at my demon hunter’s attire. I sighed again as I filled all the holders and pockets with the appropriate weapons. I pulled my blonde hair up into a long pony tail and turned to make my way to the door.

I slipped out of my room walking down the hall listening to my surroundings, listening for my parents but I heard nothing.

I walked to the entrance of the headquarters and stood there for a few moments, silent. Where is everybody? I heard a creak behind me and turned quickly to face the dark hallway. Nothing was there. I sighed and turned back to the door.

“Where are you going?” My father’s voice asked behind me.

I gasped and spun around quickly. “You scared me! Where did you come from?”

“You didn’t answer my question.” He said raising his eyebrow.

“I’m going demon hunting. That is what I was trained to do anyways.” I answered then turned back to the door. “Why are you acting so weird?” I turned my head to look back at him but he was gone leaving the hallway empty once again. “How in the hell does he always do that?” I whispered to myself.

And so I left, not knowing exactly where to go but letting my feet take me there as I thought what had happened to me today. That’s when I heard it, a soft giggle behind me.

I turned quickly to find a young demon girl floating after me. Her hair covered her face and she seemed to pour darkness. “You’re not a very smart young demon, are you girl?” I pulled a long knife from my belt and laughed as it began to glow in the presence of the demon girl. She giggled again and seemed to come closer to me. “I’ll let you go if you leave now.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. You see, I’m quit hungry and my brother left me alone to find my own diner while he found his own which, though it wasn’t the deal, it is a bit more fun. So, to make him proud, I’ve decided to eat the soul of a hunter.” She whispered in her creepy little voice.

“Okay, you obviously don’t know who I am.” I said as I wiped my blade clean.

“I don’t think it matters.” She said then giggled again. “You seem to me to be of no importance. You’re just a hunter.”

I glared at the girl moving closer, raising my blade toward her. “Do you want me to kill you? Oh, wait. That’s a rhetorical question. I’m going to kill you anyway.” I laughed to myself. “I’m going to enjoy this.” She moved away from me suddenly but fear didn’t wash over her face the way I expected it to. Instead, she smirked.

“Get away from my sister, Ava.” I froze for a few moments at the voice behind me then turned to meet Jinx’s eyes.

“So, two times in one day huh, Jinx?” I asked and smiled evilly at him.

“So it seems.” He glared at the blade in my hand. I looked at it and saw how fiercely it glowed.

“What? Oh, don’t tell me you’re scared of Aries. He’s just a little blade.” He met my eyes and smirked.

“You would be to if you knew how it felt against your skin.” He said. I met his smirk with a smile as I touched the blade to my wrist.

“Oh? But I don’t feel a thing. Maybe if I do this,” I ran the sharp end of the blade down my tongue. “Nope, still nothing.” I said then winked. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Jinx rolled his eyes, walking up to me before looking over at the girl. “Go home and stay away from that dick or finish finding food away from here.” He then brought his icy blue gaze down on me, growling. “Just make this quick, I’m hungry.” And at that, he smirked.

I smiled as the girl disappeared. “I never knew you were a big brother, Jinx.”

He laughed. “Yes well, there isn’t a lot you do know about me, Ava.”  He moved closer to me. “Are we going to do this or not?” He asked.

Suddenly, I heard the headquarters door open behind us. “Oh, no,” I whispered. I slammed him against the wall, catching him by surprise. I dropped my blade and wrapped my fingers through his hair, pulling his face down to mine and slamming our lips together.

“Princess, is that you?” A voice asked behind me. I ignored it and continued kissing Jinx until I heard the person walk away.

I pulled away from him and picked my blade up, slipping it back in its holder. He frowned down at me. “Why did you do that? You could have just let him see me and be done with it, Ava.”

“There aren’t a lot of things you know about me, Jinx.” I whispered and turned to walk away.

He sighed from behind me before I felt something tug on my arm. I was then spun around to face Jinx himself. He then pushed me up against a tree, his lips hovering inches above my own. He then growled to himself as he glared down at me before he kissed me. “You’re lucky.” He growled against my lips before he moved away, stalking off after his sister.

As soon as he spoke the words, I realized what I had done. I grabbed my chest once more, feeling for my soul then realizing how ridiculous that was. I sighed and shook my head. What the hell did I just get myself into?

I looked down, still leaning against the tree when I realized that there was something there on the ground. I knelt down to pick it up as I noticed that it was a wallet, the only things in it were photos and a license which held Jinx’s name. This was his wallet. I flipped through the pictures and only saw two. The first was of his family, his father folded out but the second was of… me.

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