Chapter 11

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I could tell that Jinx was awake because I heard him yelling at someone which went on until someone left slamming a door behind them. I heard footsteps stomp down the hall and a moment later a very pissed of Jinx passed my door but he turned around going into the room opposite of mine slamming the door in the process.

“Jinx?” I whispered watching the closed door that Jinx was behind.

A moment later Macy was knocking on the door. “Jinx, honey? Open the door.”

“What?!” He growled swinging the door open.

“Can we talk?” She asked softly.

Jinx’s eyes wondered, meeting my own as he whispered. “Mother leave me alone just like you did when I was fourteen.” He then looked at her before backing into the bedroom slamming the door shut in Macy’s face.

She looked over at me, tears in her eyes but she managed to give me a weak smile.

“So how are you and the baby?” She asked softly.

“Good.” I whispered. “She’s currently sleeping.

“So I take it the yelling could have woken her up?” She said softly.

“Ya but she’s still asleep.” I answered then looked down. “You must think lowly of me, don’t you?”

“What do you mean sweetie?” She asked me.

“I gave you son a daughter.” I whispered to her.

“Honestly I’m not surprised.” She laughed. “And he’s happy.”

“You call what’s happened these last few days, him happy?” I questioned.

She sighed heavily. “He’s scared especially after these last two days. He doesn’t know what’s going on.”

“And you do?” I asked.

“That depends.” She answered before walking off. “Take care sweetie.” And at that she was gone.

I sighed in confusion. What was all of this supposed to mean? Does she really mean that she is Death? Like, the actual Death? And if she was then was Jinx? My eyes widened as I watched my daughter sleep. Does this mean that Aggie is too? And also…does this mean that I fucked Death?

Jinx’s P.O.V.

I stood on the opposite side of the door waiting until I was sure she was gone before moving away from it.

“I’d like to explain this to you.” Her voice whispered on the other side of the room.

I jumped. “Jesus!” I almost yelled before turning to face her. “Stop that!”

“That is most certainly NOT my name.” She said before stepping out of the corner to me.

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