Chapter 4

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I walked into the gym of the hunters training academy and straight to the black punching bag which I had claimed as my own. I stared at it for a moment, trying to find all of my built up anger so that I could take it out on this poor, defenseless bag.

“Ava, how great it is to see you.” I growled at the sound of the high pitched voice behind me. I turned and glared at the person standing there.

“What do you want, Vanessa? I’m busy.” I said, making it clear that I did not want to see her.

Vanessa smiled sweetly, ignoring my comment. She walked up to me saying, “How have you been?”

“Just peachy, now go away. I’m not in the mood for you today.” I said turning back to the bag. Suddenly there she was, leaning against it. I growled. “Vanessa, move or I’ll use you as my punching bag.”

She smiled again. “Well, well, well, feisty today, aren’t we?” She laughed. “How was your break? Did you kill any demons? Or did you spend it kissing your parents’ friends’ asses? You know, the way a princess should.” She gave me an evil look before walking away.

What the fuck was wrong with her? I mean really, does she not care who I am. I shook my head, punching the bag again and again before I let my thoughts drift. The only person I kissed this break was… I shook my head, not wanting to think of it. Over and over again I let my hands collide with the punching bag.

I punched it until my knuckles were sore and then some. The anger I felt towards that… that bitch was unspeakable. She is the only hunter I have ever hated. I glared at the punching bag, breathing heavily.

What is happening to me?


I had my car parked by a cliff edge. I lay sprawled out on the hood staring up at the tree I had just set fire to moments ago. I was feeling destructive. I guess that’s why there was a lifeless body of a teenage girl burning with the tree. I looked at her body, watched as the fire licked her skin away, and wondered what kind of life she had lived.

She was a virgin, before I seduced her and stole her soul. I wonder who it was she was saving herself for. I wonder if she had any family or a boyfriend looking for her right now. I sighed and looked away, up at the stars.

I wasn’t going to do it. I wasn’t going to… take her, at least not in that way. I was just going to make her kiss me so I could eat her soul. But, she looked so much like Ava. I couldn’t help myself. I even cried as she died in my arms.

I slammed my fists down on the hood of the car. What the fuck was wrong with me lately? How have I become so soft?

I sat up, sliding myself off the car hood before walking to the edge of the cliff looking down before I growled to myself. I looked up and whispered. “Mom, I wish you were here. I need help. I’m in love. How the hell can an incubus be in love?”

The wind picked up speed around me. I fell to my knees at the edge of the cliff. I swear I could feel my mother’s arms around me, holding me, loving me. I sighed. “Mom, why did you leave me? Your little boy needs you.”

Tears streamed down my face. I was being soft, yes, but I honestly didn’t care. I missed my mother. At that, I stood, walking to my car. I yanked the door open, grabbing the gun from the back seat. I cocked the trigger, ready to use it but for now, I shoved it into my waist band before climbing into the car. I might as well kill my father for my mother’s revenge.

I backed away from the cliff and turned quickly, leaving the dead girl and tree behind me. I sped quickly to my father’s house.

Ten minutes later, I was pulling into his drive way. Only two lights were on in the house that I could see. I climbed out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me. I strode towards the house and flung the front door open. There all around my father’s room stood every worker and family member known to me except for my sister.

“Where is he?” I growled. They all looked at his open bedroom door where dim candle light came from. They all looked sad, as if something extremely horrible had happened. I made my way slowly towards the room, drawing my gun and holding it before me. I walked in to find my father lying in his bed, already dying.

When he caught sight of me and the gun, he smiled. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for years.”

I smirked, shaking my head as I spoke. “I guess you finally realized that killing my mother was asking for a death sentence from your own son.” But I lowered my gun slightly as I moved toward him. “You deserve death you sick monster.”

“Jinx, you know better than me, you are an incubus. It’s in our nature to kill.” He growled at me.

“But you killed your own wife! How in the hell is that natural for an incubus?!” I snapped back.

My father shook his head. “You will never understand.” I looked at him only for a moment before I growled.

“Try me. I’ll give you five minutes to explain before I shoot you dead.”

My father looked at me with eyes that only reminded me where I had gotten my own eye color from. He then coughed hard before he whispered. “Jinx, I was an accident, me killing you mom. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to kill her. I loved her so much.”

I smirked. “None of this even makes since. Incubuses aren’t capable of love, father. You shouldn’t have taken a wife in the first place.”

He sighed. “You right, Incubuses aren’t capable of love. But humans are. And my great grandfather was human, giving me a small amount of human blood which means I am capable of love.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re running out of time, dad.”

He sighed. “It’s true, son. The whole thing with it being an accident is too. I hadn’t eaten in a long time. Even though I have human blood, I’m still an incubus. I couldn’t control that side of me anymore. I turned on her.” He began to sob.

“You are pathetic.” I hissed, raising the gun to his level so that the barrel was pointed at his forehead. I stood there a moment before I continued with my words. “If it was an accident then why didn’t you tell me when it happened? Why didn’t you tell me it was an accident if it was? Never mind, that doesn’t stop me from what I’m here for…your death. But, I’m wondering what I should do. Just let you die and suffer by shooting you in a place that won’t kill you too quickly or should just shoot you in the head and end this misery you must be in. Oh, choices. But which one will I choose?” I growled softly.

He frowned. “The reason I didn’t tell you is because as soon as it happened you left and never spoke to me again.”

I lowered the gun, realizing how stupid my question was. Tears sprung to my eyes. “I loved her so much, and you... you took her away from me!”

“I never meant to, Jinx.” He whispered to me, his eyes nearly pleading with me. “You have to believe me when I say I never meant to kill the one person whom we loved the most. But I always tried to tell you.” He pointed to a box on his desk. “There are letters to both you and your sister explaining everything. I wrote so many and I was planning on having them burnt here in the next few days but you are welcome to have them.”

“Shut up,” I hissed in a small whisper, “SHUT UP!!!!”

I stood and walked to the desk, opened the box, and dumped all of the letters out. There were hundreds of them and those with my sister’s name were already opened. “She has already seen them?” I asked.

“Yes, even the ones from the day it happened.” He whispered back.

I lifted one, slightly yellowed with age, and ripped it open. Out of it I pulled seven sheets of paper, all explaining what happened. I didn’t even read it. I didn’t need to. He had already explained what happened to me in shorter words.

I glanced over at my father, dying in the bed. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. I stormed from the room and out of the house then into the car, slamming the door shut behind me. I threw the gun back into the back seat and slammed my fist against the stirring wheel. “FUCK!” I yelled before pulling out and speeding away.

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