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I could start with a very clichéd introduction, famous in essays which says: 'Humans are social creatures.'

I could disagree to this to some extent.

Not all are social. Some are extremely introverted, to an extent that it seems like  disease. Their meeting with other beings of their kind is very limited; they only keep to themselves. What kind of a relationship do you expect them to be in?

With themselves, of course.

Yes, you might be wondering, what rubbish is this girl typing?

No, I'm not joking.

People are their own best friends. They need to understand themselves first. They need to spend time with themselves. They need to talk to themselves. Know themselves. 

Develop a relationship with themselves.

What does on expect in a relationship? Happiness. Satisfaction. Admiration. Trust. 

Why can't we expect these things from ourselves? That happiness? We search for these qualities in other people, hence forming the concept of relationships. We can search for these things in ourselves. The one who knows their self the best, is the one who has acquired true peace.

It's a form of commitment. We can commit to ourselves too. There's nothing wrong with that. 

Having such a relationship with oneself is such a beautiful feeling, the feeling of completion and serenity. 

We can be our own Mother, Father, sister, brother, friend, love, teacher. 

Many don't need to form connections. Maybe they are at peace with themselves.

And this is just a call for all of those who are enhancing and nurturing a relationship with themselves and their beautiful soul.

A/N: Hope you like this little drabble kinda thing!

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