It's Been A Ride

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Hey guys!

I know, I haven't been updating a lot lately, and it's mainly due to my junior college taking up my time.

I think it's time to say end to this collection. It's been a ride, you guys have given me so much love for my works, I couldn't be more thankful to every single one of you! I have been inspired by your sweet comments, I can't express it through words.

Thank you all for your love and support for this book.

Look, we've reached 1000+ reads! And it also ranks in General fiction! Couldn't be any happier!

But now, I know I won't be able to update this as frequently as I used to, and hence I have come to this decision. Yes, I will mark it as 'Complete', but if I feel like sharing a story or two, you may find some changes ;)

My original Sci-Fi book, Survival, is being written, though quite slowly, I must admit. My collab book with TheEnigmaticPhoenix , Oxymorons, is on a hold till June. Please do check out my other works, I'll be really happy if you did.

But until then, thank you for everything.


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