The Desired Defeat

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She ran, as fast as her legs could take her, away into the darkness. She could see the white light blinking at the end, giving a tunnel like illusion. Her black curls, invisible in the dark, bounced on her shoulders as she panted and ran, away from the demon.

She was of average height, her black curls bouncy, her brown eyes sharp and attentive.

The demon, who ran behind her, seeking her, was stunningly similar in looks to the girl, but there was something that differentiated them. The demon had a sneer on her pretty face, as she called...

"Come back, you coward, come back!"

"I won't! Leave me alone, why don't you understand, I shouldn't befriend you!"

"There is no use running away, you stupid girl! See who you're running away from! Yourself!"

"No! You're not me! You're not!"

She tripped on her foot and scrambled to regain her balance as her legs throbbed; she desired to give up, she was nearly giving up, if only she could...

No, she told herself, as the demon ran after her, don't think about it. It's the Demon's power which is luring you into a trap.

The demon had a satisfied smirk on her face, as she ran behind her prey, her legs feeling no pain that it should. Anyways, why should the demon feel pain, when it is pain herself?

It was the demon's job, to give her pain.

She ran, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she remembered her parents, who had once sang her to sleep, her best friend, who never failed to light up a smile on her face. She belonged to a world where people loved her. No longer had this thought raced through her mind than she felt the power emanating from her.

She turned, and stopped, facing the demon. A smile finally adorned her tired eyes.

"Goodbye, my demon. I had once desired you, but not now. You're no longer here to haunt me. You cannot control me. Goodbye, my old self."

And she raised her arms, towards the demon. There was a blinding light and a scream was heard, as the demon vanished.

Her old self had been a demon; a dark place no one would enter. Now, that demon was gone.

She won.

A/N: I recently got hold of all the things I had written a year ago, and now I'm publishing them here.

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