"If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don't hesitate. Give in to it."
In her lifetime, she has mastered the skills of lightsaber combat and Jedi mind tricks. She has mothered two of the galaxies most known people, Bellamy and Jude, and has captivated the hearts of many. Now, we enter the time period when her amazing skills needed to be worked on and her name was meaningless. Elara Jane, later known as Guardian Of The Innocent is a gifted force-user. She has won the favouritism of her Master, Luke Skywalker and unknowingly, the heart of Ben Solo.
Continue to learn more about how Elara Jane came to be.
A/N: Coming to a galaxy near you very, very soon
Darkness At Dawn • Kylo Ren [1]
Fanfiction"I am being torn apart for more reasons than one." ∫ Elara Jane knows nothing of borders and cares little for rules or customs but yet, she dedicates her life to the new Jedi code. Enslaved by the Hutt's, a vicious gangster group on Tatooine, Elara...