Chapter 6

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   When I woke up the next morning I almost forgot everything that happened last night, until I felt how sore my neck was; my body ached, only reminding me of what took place last night, a small whimper escaped my lips as I remembered what had happened and who was lying beside me. I sat up quickly, only to have my head spin, I tried to be as quiet as I could.

  My feet touched the cool floor, as I tried standing up, unfortunately, the floor creaked ever so slightly. I held my breath as I took another, I heard movement, and turned slightly, in time to see him turn away from me, snoring slightly.I tried calming down my heart but I couldn't at this rate.

 I was nearly at the door when I felt a cold breath touch the back of my neck. I froze not even turning. "Where do you think your going?"His voice deep and angry.  I thought quickly to myself, trying not to make it look obvious of a poor excuse, and to make it as real as I could, convincing.

"I-I was going to the washroom."I stuttered, a lump in my throat. Icy cold lips touched the back of my neck making me shiver as Dawnar's arms wrapped around my waist. "Don't lie to me."He said, then I heard a low growl, and felt the flesh of my neck tear as he bit deep into it.

I tried screaming, but it was impossible, my mouth hung open, nothing came out, I could barely breath as I fell to the ground when he let me go.

My body was shaking, and I was hugging my legs to my chest, eyes wide. A knock could be heard at the front door, Dawnar smiled looking down at me, "Don't say a word, I'll deal with them."He said, but it was all a mumble to me as I was still shocked, the feeling of my flesh being torn with his fangs and the ghastly sound of him sucking the life from me.

 He left then, and I heard the door be opened, and voices filled the front room. "Do you need anything sir?" A womens voice was heard.

"No, I'm fine thank you. If I need anything I'll call the front office for it. Thank you."  Then a door was closed.

 Something warm and wet ran down my neck.  I swallowed deeply, hearing footsteps coming towards the room. A sharp kick came in contact with my back, I cried out this time, but still not moving.

"You should listen to me next time. Know better, How many times do you have to try and run?" He asked, a bit amused. "Get up."He ordered.

I wasn't sure if I could. A strange sound was heard, they sounded like whines or something like that.

I realized they were coming from me. I saw Dawnar's foot pick up again ready to kick me in the back again. I closed my eyes waiting for the shattering impact again. It came, making me scream. My body arched. It was terrifying, the way I was bending in pain was not a good sign, but it hurt and I was automatically doing it.

 For a moment everything went black and I caught sight of my mother and father hugging me close, only for it to vanish.

 My lungs felt like bursting, I didn't even know I was holding a breath, until I let it out only to let another one in, having a hard time breathing.

 After a few moments I felt like I was able to get back up. Pain shooting to every end of my body.

 Slowly crawling towards the bed, for a better grip, Dawnar watched me with amusement showering his face. 

 Standing up timidly and glaring at the bastards face, I held my bleeding neck.

Curiosity crossed him as he moved towards me. I flinched away and he grabbed me by the hair. Gritting my teeth, as he examined my neck. "Hmm," Was all there was said.

 "What are you doing?"I managed to say. He was silent for a moment.

"I didn't even heal your neck, and yet it just started to heal... Interesting." He said. One of his hands slid down my waist, to my astonishment I was still naked. Pulling away, which surprisingly he let me, I walked towards the bathroom, grabbing one of the many bags he had gotten last night. 

 I tried acting as calm as I could, trying to keep everything in control, my hands shook violently as I searched around for the stuff I needed to have my shower. But as soon as I was in the hot shower, it felt as if a hole had been drilled through my heart and I broke down at the bottom of the tub. Wishing I was at home again.

 When I had my eyes closed putting in the shampoo, I felt some thing cold wrap itself around me, holding most of my weight up, as I was leaning against the wall from lack of energy, I was still trying to fight off more sleep, and lack of blood. I opened my eyes, only to get soap in them.

"Ah."I said, trying to rinse my eyes out, after a moment I could see properly, only to feel the irritating sting it had left. When I opened them back up I met green mossy eyes. I gasped, before anger took over.

"Get out, NOW, you've done enough don't you understand?"I yelled at full speed.

Dawnar smiled wickedly at me.

"Oh I know dear Emily, that's why I took you. But I do say I also need to have a shower. Plus we'll save water for the environment, if we  shared."He wagged his eyebrows at me.

 A frustrated sound came from me. He let me go but keeping his body close to me, that's when I noticed his abs, and couldn't help but stare at his abs that rippled with the movement. Shaking my head, I stared back at him. He was watching me with a smile on his face.

"You like what you see?"He asked. I flushed, and it only made me madder.

"NO? Well I like what I see."He said, pinching my bottom. Okay there's the snap I was waiting for.

 My hand came up so fast that I barley even noticed it in my stage of fury, and slapped him straight on the the right side of his face, he fell backwards. With a shocked expression on his face. A small bit of blood oozed from his mouth, as I saw that his fang had bit into it.

Even though they were retracted, they were still a bit pointy. It dawned on me. Oh my god, I just slapped a powerful vampire in the face, causing him to fall.

How was that even possible?

I didn't wait another moment, "Get out," I screamed at the top of my lungs. He flinched, standing back up and getting out, I heard the door close.

I slumped down to the floor. I was shocked myself, I was so weak yet I just smacked a vampire down to the floor... of a bathtub. And not to mention I'm weak with well everything right now.

I had lost my virginity, I had lost my family to him, my composure, my life.

 He stole my life from me. The one thing everyone treasured the most, that they all needed. And some how, I lost it.






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