Chapter 25

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I heard a scream far away, it was Emily, it sent my stomach circling in sickness, I didn't like the sound of it.

Me and the rest of the council ran faster. Damn Dawnar and his extra teleporting powers, thank gosh for it being limited to only do small distances. But it was still far from us, he kept giving us seprate trails to follow.

The scream seemed to go on forever and we weren't getting close even at are vampire speed, none of us had fed in awhile.

I had gotten almost every gaurd and all the council members to come with me, we couldn't let Emily die, it was too dangerous if that happened, he would literally take over the world, enslaving every human. Killing for what ever he wants.

But honestly, what vampire didn't want that? But we all knew we had to keep the world in check from switching the balance.

I listened to her drowning cry in pain as I tryed speeding up, we were the strongest vampires in the world, but Dawnar had tooken to much of Emilys life essence and became the strongest, enough to come back each time.

We burst through everything like a bomb. Not slowing down for a fraction of a second.



I felt myself being drained with every painful gulp he took, he made it hurt so much more, morethen Patrick. Patrick didn't try to hurt me, as much it was actually a bit calming when he took my blood.

But Dawnar on the other hand was making it burn to the firey hells. The tears rolled down uncontrollable. My wrists were broken as far as I know, I was bleeding from the neck as he pulled back.

"You will suffer for what you did to me." He growled, licking his lips as a drop of blood was about to fall. He grabbed my arm roughly, slicing his fangs down it, letting it cut deep into my arm all the way from my shoulder to my wrist. The blood flowed down fast.

I gave a small cry, I've been through worse then this. But it still hurt.

He chuckled at my pain, He licked the trail of blood, and suddenly that deadly pain errupted in my head, and I le a scream escape, it was one of those blood curdling screams. I collapsed to the ground, rolling into a ball.

Ready to scratch my face with my own nails.

De ja vu! So many times, over and over.

The pain got worse and I started to cough up blood. As soon as the second round of blood came up the pain stopped and I was gasping, spitting up blood, the entire time.

I was pinned to the ground, him on top of me, I  heard the tear of clothing, as I felt the cold hit me.

"No, not this time." I said trying to pull aaway from him.

"I have time before they find your lifeless body." He smirked, and I heard the sound of his zipper to his worn out jeans unzip.

Oh God. I scratched at him, and punched as much as I could. His hands reached for my underwear and he pulled them right off.

I screamed, again panicked.

His mouth landed on mine, stopping my scream as he thrust into me. I couldn't breath. He started thrusting and I cried more, I lied to myself, I broke my promise, to myself to keep myself from this. For this to happen again. Wasn't once enough.

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