Chapter 15

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When I awoke, I was in a different room, it was dark, meaning night had arrived...unless I was in a windowless place. I sat up, a small pain in my head, and my body still really hurt.

I moved the blonde hair out of my face. I was sweating, and freezing all at the same time. I groaned laying down. Was that all a dream? Please tell me it was a dream. If not screw my life. It was so much better dying.

 A bright light shined brightly into the room, casting shadows across the floor and walls.

Someone walked in through the opened door. They grunted as they walked towards me. At first I thought it was my mother, but then I realized that nothing was a dream. Then I thought it was Brad, my hopes built up, but like everything else in my life it came crashing down when I realized it wasn't.

I was alone with a stranger, someone who could possibly kill me within a blink of an eye. 

The person cleared their voice. "I see your finally up." The voice said, it was the man from the last time I awoke. The really bossy one.

I shifted slightly, uncomfortable. I groaned in pain. Some thing about this guy gave me a bad feeling. I didn't know why. His form disappeared from the door, letting in a stream of light into the room making me blink repeatedly. His cold hand touched my forehead, I flinched back from him, I was freezing as it was.

"You have a fever, I'll send in someone to take care of you." He said.

"Who are you?" I croaked. He stopped for a minute as he started walking away.

"It's Pat."  He grunted.

"Where's Brad?" I asked, I wanted him here, right now. Again he paused turning back to me. His eye's were a glowing red. I froze, oh God, blood lust.

"He's waiting in another room for you to awake." He said, "Please could you let him see me." I begged, my throat was starting to ache, the need for water was making my throat all raspy.

"Fine, only for a bit, but then I want you to rest again." He snapped, it scared me. What did I do wrong? I had just met the man.

He left me alone, in the dark room. He wasn't a creature I wanted to get to know. Just the thought of him gave me the shudders.

Just then a person burst in. Lights turned on, I shielded my eyes. It hurt, like I needed even more pain.

Brad was at my side in an instant. "Oh, Emily, I was getting worried. They'd have killed me if you didn't live, and I needed you to live because you are like a friend, or a sister even, to me." He said quickly.

I sighed, I had just woken up, I needed a chance to process things. He grabbed me in a crushing hug, I groaned in pain.

He let go of me instantly. "I'm sorry." He said, apologizing, looking down at the floor. His blonde shaggy hair running into his eyes.

I moved it out of his face, bringing him to look up at me. His blue eyes shining into mine.

"It's fine, I'm just...stiff, and still recovering from what happened the night Dawnar... tried killing me." I said, not making the situation any better.

He nodded. He looked down again, just then a old looking women came in, she was in her forty's, she was carrying a tray of soup and med's. As she came towards me, I sat up a bit edging away from her, she was a vampire, I could tell by her beauty. Despite her age she still looked young, and her skin had a very pale tinge to it.

Her shining green eyes stared back into mine. She had shining red hair, and well every thing was just perfect. There was never words to put towards a vampire really.

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