Chapter 19

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"Go Away." I yelled.

"Emily, get your ass out here, we need to talk." Pat yelled. He waited for me to respond, then he must have gave up and burst in. Along with the council. Brad stayed at the back.

Pat was in my face, pinning me against the wall. My back hit hard but it didn't hurt. He was basically spitting in my face,. his face contorted into anger.

"How dare you make my men leave, especially under my orders. I am the strongest one here, and ever will be. My orders go, weather people like them or not. Your just a pathetic human with something that we want. You will listen." He yelled, in my face.

I spat in his face, hitting him right in the forehead. That earned me a slap so hard that I went sprawling against the floor, towards my bed. There was a slight ringing in my ear's my eye's were slightly fuzzy as I shook my head to rid of the awful feeling.

My blood was boiling, some thing in the back of my head whispered. 'Finish them.' I jumped up with ease, lunging at Pat, bright white power bloomed out of my hands as I rammed into him. He was sent flying backwards, this time it was his turn to hit the wall.

He was screaming in agony, as my hands burned his chest. Others were trying to pull me off of him, but I summoned my power to my bed post, where the flowers were at, they reached out and wrapped around the twelve vampires, while I still had Pat against the wall screaming.

"Guards." He yelled, I let go of him, but yet a force held onto him like I wanted, the guards came flashing in and attempted to grab me but I managed a swift punch and kick that sent them flying backwardsunconciuous.

Weak, I thought bitterly.

Then it was like a missing link forming in me, I knew what I was here for. I knew there was a reason for me here, I had a duty and that duty was to rid of the worst kind of evil dirtying this world, a evil that tainted it greatly. To keep it balanced, I was created and given power to keep this world balanced between good and evil and there was too much evil at the moment.

The heart of the evil started here.

"Who's stronger now?" I asked. I felt so much fury, but not only that but pain for everything that had happened to me, but it would stop, this time things were going to go down the way I wanted it to go down.

"I'll kill you." He screamed in my face. I laughed a meaningless laugh. "You can't kill me. I've been killed  once already, and many attempted times and I still am living." I said, kicking him in the stomach.

I could be a good girl when I want but when you got on my bad side, it meant hell. Words started falling out uncontrollably.

"I've been taken away from my family, bitten a million times, beaten, for the fun of it, I was Raped, then beaten right after that. At first I didn't understand, but now I do, and I'll use that power to destroy all vampire kind till the earth is balanced, I'm done being chased down by vampires,  just because I  am strong for my blood only wanted for blood, this is why I was created. I was created to kill off the bacteria ridden blood suckers that inhabit this world, to keep it safe and clean.  I'm sick and tired of your orders, and..." I tried forcing the words out of my mouth, it was hard, being influenced but I told myself I was stronger then it. 

I could over power it, I just had to focus and try.

"I'm sick and tired of you, last night you threatened to take my blood when ever you wanted, starting last night, you were the one who took my blood, you attacked me, when I was at my weakest point." I screamed. There was a rumble of talk. All do to the lie that Pat had attempted to hide.

"See? I'm much stronger then you." I whispered into his ear. He growled in anger, trying to shove me back.

 He snapped at me, like a wild dog. A thick hiss following while he snapped at me. His fangs were on show, trying to look more threatening with the sounds. But it wasn't affecting me one single bit.

"Emily, please don't do anything stupid, you got to calm down, I know you've been holding it all back, but you have to control it. Your going to hurt yourself, then we can't help you." Brad yelled. I turned my head towards him.

The rest of the vampires were trying to fight out of the wooden flowers holding them, but their problem was that, they were wood, and it was breaking so it started splintering their skin, they didn't care. But they sure as hell will care if its got my power, my light on them. I was pure, I was given powers by God.

"You don't understand, I was born this way, for this very was only a matter of time before my powers started to surface, to help the world to be a safe place, no more supernatural creatures of the night. It's what I have to do. I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"No you don't have to do this. We can help you." He yelled as I slowly let the light crawl up the flowers, the vampire squirmed and cringed as it neared them.

"You promised I was going to be safe so that they wouldn't take my power. But no, I was attacked, and I am suppose to be used as a experiment." I screeched, letting the light travel faster, they all screamed, as it burned them. I guess I could say it burned them like holy water. But I don't know if that actually works.

Pat struggled again, and I gave him a good kick in the manhood, he groaned. "You bitch, I'll get you back." He said, trying to muster up all the strength that he had in him and broke out of the invisible bind I had on him and then advanced on me with a swift punch.

It was enough, I was sent flying backwards. Landing onto the bed, the light disappeared and flowers shrunk back and retracted back into the bed post. The vampires were standing up, heaving in both fright and anger. Pat was already straddling me down, his legs on both sides of my body and held my wrists down against my chest.

I started screeching and twisting and turning my body at awkward positions.

"Take her to the dungeon, and have guards watching the little bitch at all times. Understand!" He yelled. I struggled some more flailing around to the best that I could, I hated how my powers would make an appearance and then disappear when something happened, then just leave me there fighting for my life, counted as useless.

"That little bitch is mine." Said a dark voice. I froze shocked, everyone else did to, no one dared  look behind them.

He was back. 

Oh ya, a little twist there. How'd you guys like it?

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