Chapter 16

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Okay i'm eriously to nice, to you guys, lol Now first of all

Could u vote and comment, heres is the next chapter and ill upload the next to today, because im leaving for the holidays,



 The door opened up to my room, waking me up. I didn't dare move in case I got caught being awake, I wanted to know what they were doing in the first place.

A freezing cold hand touched my face. I tried my best to stay still, but it wasn't working, so to pull it all in a act I moved around slightly as if being awaken by the cold touch, settling on my right side, away from the person that had touched me.

 I could hear heavy breathing. When they thought they couldn't make me restless they set their hand back onto my face lightly putting soothing circles onto my cheek. I trembled, the person or should I say vampire from the deathly cold touch stopped for half a second before continuing.

Okay this was getting to creepy for my taste. I groaned trying to make it look like I was waking up. I turned back over onto my back. Opening my eyes slowly and gasped as I stared back into the green mossy eyes.

They had a hard look in them. I sat up immediately, cringing away from his hand that was still on my face.

"Relax." He purred, as he crawled onto the bed with me. "Wh-hat are you doing?" I stuttered. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I tried pulling away but he just held on tighter, to the part my waist was hurting, and a small whimper escaped my lips.

"It's okay! I just want to try your blood." He said, as he snuggled up to my neck. I swallowed hard. Shaking my head.

"Please don't. When I get better I'll give you a little, but not now." I said making a promise, I didn't want to but I was skid-dish of the thoughts of this creepy guy drinking from me. Not to mention after what happened only a few days ago and my recovery.

I'm STILL sore and tired.

"Ah, but dear you smell delicious, and I haven't eaten in awhile. Your blood calls to me." He said almost too quiet for my ears as he rubbed his nose into the base of my throat.

"And who's fault was that?" I asked gaining some power. He growled slightly. "Your's I haven't eaten since you got here because everyone is trying to keep a close eye on you so that no other vampires get to you." He said with anger.

"I can take care of myself." I gritted my teeth. I tried moving again. He held even tighter to me, and my breath was cut off. I gasped, as my vision wavered. He held on still. "Do not scream." He influenced me with his eyes. I felt the blankness come into my eye, and my brain clicked to the sound of his words. This was hopeless, I was being used, treated like a personal juice box to these creatures, and I couldn't even attempt to resist if I tried to.

Then he bent down to my neck and bit hard, I wanted to scream, my mouth opened but no sound came out, I felt the odd drop of blood run down my throat but he stopped and pulled back sipping it up before it landed on my clothes leaving proof of what was going on.

Then he went back towards my neck again his sharp fangs digging deep into my skin. Pat rubbed his hand down my thigh too try to take my mind off of what he was doing. It was working a bit but nothing more. Trembles ran through my body, my stomach ached with pain, from the sound, and from the lack of strength I had left.

A single tear escaped my eye, falling onto his head. He pulled back, with a bloody grin.

"You will not tell anyone about this, I'll come back to your room when I need to for blood, and you will give me that when I want." He influenced me more. I whimpered and nodded automatically. With out another word he licked the wound and disappeared out of my room.

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