Chapter 32

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His arms being around me felt so right, yet so wrong at the same time. I pulled away a bit startled.

My heart pounded loud in my chest as I crawled back out of the water. Walking away from him and the beauty around us. I was a bit surprised to say that he didn't come follow after me.

I went to my room. Getting dressed, the gaurds bowed for me to go into my room. Changing and blow drying my hair quickly, I stepped out, walking down the long corrdior.

"Emily?" said one of the counsil members. I turned to look at him, I didn't really see him around or know his name. He gestured for me to follow him.

I eye'd him carefully before walking towards him. His blonde hair shaggy from running. I think his name was Peter.

"The council wants to talk to you, if you could just follow me." He said reasuring. I followed him, making sure I was on high alert, I didn't trust anyone here anymore. Not Brad, or Pat.  Just remembering the first time I met him and how badly crossed my mind sending a chill up my back.

Following him down a few flights of stairs, I heard him sigh in annoyance. Caused by my slow walking I'm persuming. I chuckled and he sent me a annoyed glare. Making me laugh even more. I can really make vampire's mad.

Finally we came across the room I had been in once with all the vampire council.  Walking in behind the vampire that led me here, I kept my head down, not daring to look up. I could feel their heated gaze, I knew I wasn't their biggest idol, and they only wanted my blood.

But hey they weren't aloud touching me unless they all agreed to do something with me, and besides I was the other half of this world to keep it balanced with good and bad.

Someone cleared their voice, making me look up into unfamilair brown eyes.

"Emily Marie Heige, we have called you out to discuss some important matters."  Said the vampire with black hair his face had sharp features to add to his hair. I nodded at him to continue. He pointed to a chair that sat in front of them all. I gulped then walked over to it sitting down quickly so  they wouldn't get impatient with me.

He continued after I sat down.

"Now we are all very aware of your...abilitys, or power, whatever you perfer. But we are also aware that vampire's have tracked down your scent all the way from your home to here, and are men are fighting them off as we speak. But more importantly is that Dawnar Ozark will not stop at anyhting till he has you." The man said. He watched as I flinched at Dawnar's name.

Someone else began to speak. A older man that looked to be in his thirties, with silver like hair and softer features, the only scary thing about him was his pitch black eye's that seemed to stare right through your soul.

"As you know, you young lady are in grave danger, and it's getting harder to protect you. Not to mention you are a danger to all of us if a evil vampire gets a hold of you, then the world would be lost. You know that, don't you?" He asked.

I met his dark eye's shuddering at the darkness. "Yes, I do understand." I said in a quiet voice, almost unaduible to my ears. Of course they could here me clearer.

"And we can't have that, now can we miss Heige?" I shook my head not liking where this was going. 

"What are you trying to say?" I asked in a strong voice, giving him a look saying 'If you lie, so help me.'

"Well, you are a weapon to this very exsitense and you can't control yourself like a newborn vampire. Your a danger to everyone and everything around you even though your the other half of the balance. What we are saying is that we can't have you live anymore. We will have to deal with the other half of the balance, and try to fix it as well as we can. But Your time has come Emily." The strange man said.

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