Keirsti (Oc) x Sting!(Because Why Not?)

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Keirsti Redfox stood at the request board of Fairy Tail, she looked at the board and then tilted her head. "Nothing good down here...maybe the s-class board has somethin'..."she said to herself,she walked over to it and looked to see a simple job,a request had her name on it,"Need help to fight off Forest Vulcans...shouldn't be a problem. Wonder why it's 3 million jewel."she asked herself before snatching the request off the board.

"Oi,Mira!You wanna go on a mission?Erza is out with the rest of Team Natsu."Keirsti asked her,"Sorry,but me and Laxus have to prepare for our date!"Mira said with a smile,Keirsti smiled at her. "Juvi?"Keirsti said turning to the water woman,"Juvia has to wait for Gray-sama!She must be here to greet him."Juvia told her,Keirsti just huffed.

"I wonder why they didn't just send this to's not that far from Crocus..why call me?"Keirsti asked herself again,"Maybe they want Ke-chan to help out with it because they think you can take care of it."Juvia asked,"I didn't even compete in the games though...Maybe I'm overthinkin' this..."she told Juvia,"Well,Why doesn't Ke-chan go check it out?"Juvia asked her,"I guess I could..I just gotta go get my bag from home and then I can catch the train to Crocus."Keirsti said before standing up out of her seat and heading towards the door.

(At SaberTooth!)

Sting sat on his throne as he read a manga,Rogue was sitting on the floor next to him with Frosch in his lap,Lector sat on the armrest of the throne while the guild was filled with chatters. "Hey,Rogue?"Sting said turning to his friend,"Yes,Sting?"Rogue said with an exhale,"Are you and the girl,"Sting asked,"No..Why?"Rogue asked him,"No was just a thought."he said shaking his head,Rogue looked at his friend with an eyebrow raised.

Sting buried his face in his book while Rogue just stared at him,"Do you like her or something?"Rogue asked him,"No!"he said turning bright red,"Uh huh, then why are you blushing?"Rogue asked him,"I am not!"Sting yelled,"You look like Lector.."Rogue told him,"Frosch thinks so to!"the small exceed said.

"I do not!"Sting yelled again,"If you don't like her then why did you moan her name in your sleep?"Rogue asked him,"How did you-","I didn't but I know now!"Rogue said interrupting his friend and then smirking,"If you tell anyone about that I'll-","Calm down, you nut-job. Your secret is safe with me."Rogue told him,he felt his communication lacrima buzz and pulled it out of his pocket,"Hello?"he said when he answered,"Hey Rogue!I'm on my way to Crocus...can I stop by the guild?"she asked him,No!"Sting mouthed to him,"Sure Keirce."Rogue said,Sting looked furious.

"Awesome!Hey...I got this request with my name on it about Vulcans. How come you guys haven't handled it yet?"Keirsti asked them,"Eh...I don't know. It just didn't seem that important."Sting told her,"Oh hey Sting-kun!I didn't know you were there. Turn the lacrima so I can see Sting,Rogue."Keirsti stated.

Rogue gave a nod before turning the lacrima towards Sting,"Hey...Keirsti...How are you?"he asked with a smile,"I'm doing great!We'll talk more when I get there,kay?"she said with a smile,"Yeah,sure. Bye,Keirsti."he said with a wave before the lacrima went blank.

Keirsti walked into SaberTooth with a bag on her back. "Hi,Sting!What's up,Rogue!"Keirsti said giving them both waves,"Hey,Keirce..."Rogue said giving her a friendly hug,Sting just extended his hand to her but she jumped into a hug with him. She pressed her breast against his chest,making him turn red again.

Keirsti let go of him and smiled,"How have you guys been?I haven't seen you in a while!"Keirsti said with a sweet smile,"We've been good actually, when are going out to stop the Vulcans?"Rogue asked her.

"In a few minutes,I just stopped by to say hi."she said to him,"Well,Why don't you take Sting with you?"Rogue said pushing the Light Dragon Slayer towards her,Sting swore he could see a pink flood her cheeks for a moment. "Sure!The more the merrier!"Keirsti told him with a smile,"I'll calm along Sting-kun."Lector yelled,"I think you should stay here with us,Lector.

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