Jerza Lemon (Taking Back The Knight)

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(If you would like to get to the lemon then go to the line Two Months Later....)

Erza walked through Hargeon in a brand new dress  that she'd bought for her date tonight. I bet you think it's Jellal but sadly no, she'd been asked out by some other chump. She accepted a date request from a man she'd met at the games, it should've been Jellal. She'd never even met this guy, in fact this wasn't at all safe, But Mirajane had talked her into it,"Don't worry,"she said,"It'll be fine,you can't wait on Jellal forever!" That made Erza a little sad but she knew it was true. Jellal did have a fiance after all, Erza's mind then started to race. Who was this bitch? Why had she just heard of her? It just seemed so....fake. When they almost kissed, he seemed like he wanted to kiss her, she thought she saw something in his eyes, but it must have been her imagination. She needed it to be.

Jellal looked at Erza as he sat propped on the roof of a building, he watched her as she walked up to a man and hugged him. He growled under his breath,"You're an idiot."Meredy stated to him,"What?"he asked as he turned around,"She's right,you're an idiot."Cobra said with a grin. "What the hell are you talking about?"Jellal asked, "You obviously love her!"Meredy told him,"Yet you lied and said you had fiance because you think she gives a flying fuck about your past."Angel told him,"She is the one who tried to make you good again in the first place..."Midnight said with his eyes closed, "T-that's not-","You're so strung up on that scarlet,that you moan her name in your sleep."Meredy said,the others laughed. "You're into some freaking stuff man..."Cobra told him, Jellal turned as red as the said scarlet's hair. "Would you stay out of my head?!"he yelled,"Would you stop thinking of her giving you head?"Cobra asked him,"Oh!"Meredy said as the others laughed. Jellal just about lost his damn mind," You little-","He's only teasing! Stop being so sensitive."Angel said shaking her head. Jellal looked at Erza to see her laughing and smiling,she was enjoying herself.

Erza smiled at the man,who's name turned out to be Sebastian. She smiled at him and laughed. She was having a surprisingly great time. There was nothing wrong with him, he was normal and really nice. She felt relaxed by all of this, not having to worry about a fiance or jail time or getting caught. Just being able to laugh and have fun with a guy outside of her guild was nice for her. But it was like something was missing inside of her, like she wanted something else. I mean this guy was perfect,he had nothing really wrong with him. But maybe she didn't want perfection,maybe all of those impurities that Jellal had were what she truly cared for. This guy was nice,he hadn't said a single wrong thing, he hadn't done anything or made a move yet. In fact, he was a bit talkative at some points. But she didn't want this guy,she wanted Jellal. That's why she came out here, Mira,Lucy,even Wendy had told her to move on and stop hoping for Jellal to be hers at some point but she couldn't help it. That made her angry with herself, harped up on some guy! That really pissed her off, why was she feeling like a puppy without it's owner? Lost,wondering and waiting for them to just.....come back. "No,Erza! Pull yourself together. There is this great guy in front of you so just stop thinking about-" she stop her thought went she looked up to see the exact person she tried to keep out of her head walking up to there table,"Jellal!?"she thought to herself as she watched him walk up to the table. The mage was about to open his trap when Erza stood up and covered it,"I am so sorry Sebastian! If you'll excuse me for a moment...."Erza told the male before pushing Jellal into an alley with a frown.

"What the hell are you doing?!"Erza whispered yelled to Jellal,"What are you doing!?"he asked back. "I'm on a date! Which is supposed to be a private event!"Erza told him,"Well I came!" Jellal yelled to her,"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't realize I sent out invitations!Did you bring your fucking fake ass fiance you delusional bastard!?"Erza asked tilting her head to the side with a smile,"Excuse you?!"Jellal yelled angrily,"Yeah,that's right! I said it! I don't believe that you have a fiance!"Erza told him,"What?You don't think anyone could want me?"he asked her,"Hell no I don't think anyone could want you!"she yelled to him,Jellal scoffed and smiled. "Ohoho! That's rich! I could get a girl right now!"he yelled," If you didn't have a fiance! Tell me,where did you and that whore meet?! In your head you lying little bitch!"Erza yelled at him,Jellal just smiled and shook his head. "I see what this is..."he said looking up and then at her,"You're jealous!"he yelled. "Of who!? Your fictional girlfriend!! Where's the wedding?! On the street 'Jellal's a delusional little fucker!' Parkway?! How can I be jealous of someone who doesn't exist!?"Erza asked him loudly,"Of me!Because I got someone and you don't have anyone!!And you won't as long as I'm here!"he yelled at her,"What the hell are you talking about!?!"Erza asked him looking furious. "I DON'T HAVE A FIANCE ALRIGHT?!?!I LIED!!!"he shouted at her,"No shit!"Erza told him,"What did you lie for?!To make me feel bad or-","I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU ERZA!!!"Jellal yelled, Erza froze and stopped talking as her eyes widened and her jaw slightly dropped. "W-what?"Erza asked him.

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