MinOgue Lemon (Shadowy Needs,Unlady like Deeds)

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{Be Aware Of Things You Don't See All The Time and Be Prepared For This Chapter to Be Rather Long. This is a Discontinued Lemon, skip to the end if you do not enjoy this ship so that you may recommend ships that you would like to see. StinGue and GraTsu coming soon.}

Rogue sat next to Sting,leaning on his arm, he stretched and looked at him. Sting was always so cheerful lately, if he wasn't so prideful, he'd probably be jumping in the air,clicking his heels right about now. Rogue could see it in his eyes,"What's got you so happy lately....?"he asked the white dragon, Sting looked up and shrugged. "I don't knooooow...."Sting said with a smile,Rogue furrowed his eyebrows,"Okay,what the fuck was that...?"Rogue asked staring at his friend,Sting just shrugged again and sat up. "I think I'm in love~"he said as hearts floated around them, Rogue blinked and popped one. 

"What is this...?"he asked as the aura around the room became sparkly and pink,he looked around with an uneasy expression. "She's...perfect..."Sting said,Rogue looked at him again,"Ohh...I see..."he said before standing and hitting Sting over the head. The room went back to normal along with Sting who blinked and sat down. "Calm your ass down and tell me who it is who's so perfect..."Rogue said sitting back down. "Heh,sorry Rogue..."Sting stated before sighing,"I'm going to assume your little night with Keirsti went well?"Rogue asked. Sting smirked and nodded,"Damn,she's so good in bed~I'm going to her place again tonight!~"he said with a smile. Rogue just rolled his eyes,"You'd better treat her nice...Gajeel will destroy you if you don't..."he told him. "Yeah,yeah...whatever...so got any girls you're interested iiin?~"Sting asked nudging his best friend. Rogue blinked for a moment,thinking back to see if had been....

Not Really....

That's all that came to his mind at the moment, no one really. Sure there was Yukino but he didn't see her as a potential girlfriend. His mind then went to a place it'd gone a few times....Minerva...

He'd never say it out loud,but a few times,he'd thought about her. Sting saw his friends blank look and sighed,"Well,Dragon Season starts tommorow...I'd get into a room and lock it up tight before you're trying to fuck everything you see.."Sting said with a grin. Rogue rolled his eyes,"Oh please...I have control..."he said with a smile.

{The Next Day,In the Kitchen}

Minerva smiled as she made dinner for the guild in the kitchen, she hummed softly and stirred a small pot of soup,throwing cubes of meat and chopped veggies every once and awhile. Her back was turned to the door before she heard a knock come to the door. "Hmm..Oh,Rufus! What can I help you with?"she said turning around,continuing to stir the pot. Rufus smiled,"The lot of us are going to go get some things for dessert and hang out for a bit,we were wondering if you'd like to come along?"he asked her,Minerva just smiled. "Not tonight,I'm gonna finish up here for everyone,when will you all be back?"she asked him,"A few hours..it shouldn't be too long."Rufus stated closing his eyes. 

"Alright..be safe you all."she said with a smile,Rufus nodded before turning,he stopped and turned back around. "Have you seen Rogue at all....? The rest of us were looking for him but we haven't spotted him at all...."he said,Minerva thought for a moment. Come to think of it,she hadn't spoken to her friend in a few days. He'd been acting strange for a while and today,she hadn't seen him at all,she shrugged her question off and shook her head to Rufus. "No,I'm sorry,I haven't.."she said to him,Rufus sighed and tipped his hat. "I guess it can't be helped....Farewell,Milady..."Rufus said smiling as he left. Minerva smiled and went back to cooking the meal.

The stove was hot and she'd been standing over it for a while,her skin glistened of a thin layer of sweat. She straightened her dress around her chest area and took the pins out of her hair, trying to get comfortable,"My,it did get awfully hot all of a sudden,....maybe  I should take a break or something."she told herself wiping her forehead and sighing,she heard what sounded like footsteps come up behind her and quickly turned around,readying the knife to protect her if necessary. She stopped when she was met with a familiar face,"Rogue...?Oh my goodness,you scared me..."she said turning off the stoves and setting down the knife,she took of the apron she was wearing and set it to the side. 

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