Gajeel x Rogue (Spare My Pride....: Part 1)

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A/N: I find myself always writing longer this first half is basically fluff. If you would like to get to the lemony goodness, go straight to part 2 whenever it comes out. For those of you who would like to see my interpretation of this couple, continue reading.



"W-what!? Of course not!!"Rogue practically screamed into Sting's ear. Sting looked slightly annoyed and raised a brow, "Really? You're not even a little nervous? Because you look like you're about to shit your pants..."he murmured,scanning Rogue. It was true, not about the shitting his pants thing because....ew. But definitely about the being nervous bit. Sting and Rogue were about to head off on a mission with their idols, Natsu and Gajeel. This meant that they would be on the road for weeks with them, and Rogue was anything but calm about this. He was going to be around GAJEEL, the first person he'd ever......felt...something dirty for. It's not like they had ever actually disappeared, but it also wasn't likely they'd ever be returned. So, the entire mission hinged on Rogue learning to keep his cool. 

He was failing.


It didn't help that Sting found his utter embarrassment absolutely hilarious, and was teasing him about it at every chance. Lately, they'd been hanging around the Fairy Tail guild more than normal, and it was definitely affecting Rogue. Having to be around the spiky haired, metal dragon was getting more and more unbearable, and it was extra frustrating that Gajeel seemed to not even care that he HATED being called "Ryos". It was true, he hated that name, but it just...did something to him when he heard that grizzled voice of Gajeel's say it. Everytime he talked to Rogue, his voice was so quiet, and soft, as if he didn't wanna hurt his feelings. Rogue couldn't help but be turned on by the things he said, feeling his pants tent just a bit over the way he said his name. Sting was the first to notice it, and of course, Rogue had begged him to keep it secret. He, of course, agreed, but that doesn't mean he wasn't gonna do his best to play a silly matchmaker. That of course was when he wasn't paying attention to his own little crush though. "I'm quit it with the vulgarity.."Rogue grumbled to his best friend, watching the smile spread across his face as he began walking off.




After all whole heartedly deciding that it was better for them if they just went by foot, our group of dragon slayers trip of two weeks immediately switched to four. Now, they'd made it to the mission sight, and the entire time,Rogue was struggling to keep himself sane. It was like he was actively TRYING to tease Rogue. Those beautiful eyes glinting every time he stared at him. Now, they were all sitting in a diner, Sting and Natsu in another booth. Happy and Pantherlily thought it was best to split Natsu and Gajeel off, they didn't want yet another competition to break out between them, and Frosche and Lector agreed simply because they thought it was wiser to keep Sting and Rogue away from competition. They would definitely cheer the two on, which of course would make the situation far worse. After ordering their meals, the group split off, which of course left Rogue with Gajeel....alone. Even the exceeds had gotten a booth, and were currently catching up. "So, Ryos..."he suddenly heard the black haired male say. A shiver shot up his spine, he felt a cold sweat begin to creep down his neck and was begging himself not to stare into his eyes. Rogue, again, hated that goddamn name but whenever he heard it uttered by Gajeel, he felt the blood begin to rush from his head and down to his lap.

This was just sad at this point.

"Uh....yes, Gajeel...?"Rogue said softly, shrugging his shoulders back. "I was wondering, after this mission, if you and Frosche wanna tag along with me and Lily on a different one..."Gajeel suggested. He couldn't see it, but at that very moment, Rogue's heart began to palpitate, "Holy shit, yes, of course I do!"Rogue shouted without thinking, only realizing how weird that was when he saw Gajeel's taken aback reaction. "Uh....I...uhm...I mean, yeah...we could definitely do that..."he corrected himself quickly, watching as Gajeel seemed to straighten up. "You've been tense this whole day...are you alright?"Gajeel asked, raising a brow as he leaned back in his seat. Oh shit, he'd noticed! "H-huh...? Oh...uhm...I'm perfectly fine,"he murmured under his breath. Gajeel seemed to stare for longer than Rogue would have liked to, it almost felt as though he was actively being interrogated by the metal dragon, and the man hadn't even uttered a single word. " there something on my face...?"Rogue said, smiling nervously and looking to the side. That was a dumb question. Of course there wasn't, their food hadn't even been brought to the table yet. Rogue was trying his best to ease this awkward tension that had somehow accumulated within a few moments. Gajeel stared for a bit longer, leaning back and laying his arm over the back of the booth. 

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