BixAnna Lemon (Soul Mates!)

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-I know how is name is spelled....I don't care though-

Lisanna sat in the guild, her legs crossed as she listened to her sister's lecture about protection once again. "And make sure he wraps it up twice ,no three times!"Mira yelled to her while Lisanna rolled her eyes. "Relax Mira-nee!"she told her. The reason this was a problem was because of Bixlow. Bixlow and her had been dating for a couple of years now, they'd done the act a few rounds in that span of time and they were always really careful. But of course, Mira and Elfman would worry for no good reason. 

Although she would never say it out loud, she didn't think they should even comment on the matter. Mira had moved in with Laxus and they were banging three ways to Sunday lately. She didn't even want to start thinking about the things she'd caught Elfman and Evergreen doing. Neither of them ever used protection,so why should she? Of course she knew the answer though, she was young. 

While she hated to admit it, Mira would be happy to have a kid with Laxus and the same would go for Evergreen and Elfman. But she was unsure about Bixlow and his stand point on the whole family thing. He'd never said he loved her outside of sex,he'd never called her is girlfriend either. She felt like she was wasting her time for staying so long,it felt so wrong but so right with him at the same time. But she was kind of hurt, she was waiting forever and this was getting annoying. She was gonna break up with him.

Bixlow walked into the guild and sat down next to her,"Hey Lis.."he said leaning to kiss her. Lisanna let him kiss her cheek and looked down,"Bixlow...I-I...I think we should...see other people....."she said quietly. Bixlow froze as he was about to stand and sat back down. "What...?" he asked her looking slightly hurt,"I-I just feel....."she paused and looked at him. "I just feel like you don' me."she told him making his eyes widen slightly. "You don't think I love you? I told you I loved you.","Only in sex.","But I meant it!","I don't feel like you do.","Then what do you want from me?!"he yelled jumping up from his seat making the guild stop and stare.

Lisanna looked at him,"Please don't cause a scene.."she said to him quietly. "Oh don't make a scene?!Hey babies,You hear that!?She doesn't want me to make a scene!"he yelled angrily. Lisanna sunk into her hands before standing and grabbing his hand. "Come with me.."she said quietly as she dragged him out.

"What is your problem!?"she yelled at him,Bixlow frowned. "What were you expecting me to do!?I love you Lisanna!I love you and need you and now you're trying to leave me! If you want me to say it then I will alright!?You're my girlfriend!"he yelled making Lisanna snap. "Oh so now you say it,huh?! After two years?!I finally get to hear you say it! You've got a lot of nerve yelling at me! I tried to tell you I loved you and you brushed it off! I am not a sex object for you to use!!"Lisanna yelled at him with furious eyes,"Why are you acting so naive?-","NAIVE?!I'm acting naive! Go fuck yourself Bixlow!"she said storming off,Bixlow immediately followed. "You know we have to talk about this!We live together!"he yelled after her,"Not for long we don't!"she screamed before running back home with him following.

Lisanna opened the door and stormed through the house,"Take your shit! And get out!!"Lisanna yelled out. "Would you just listen for a second?!"Bixlow asked before Lisanna went bustling through his clothes,"No!You're getting out!"she told him. Bixlow growled and grabbed a hold of her hands,pinning her against the wall. "What are you doing?!"she yelled,"What are you doing,Lisanna!?You're acting crazy!Listen,alright?"he said calming down. Lisanna frowned and went silent while looking away,her eyebrows furrowed. "Look at me..."he pleaded as he took ff his helmet and looked at her,Lisanna just growled,"So you can use your magic on me?No thanks.."she said. 

"Please just look at me..."he said rubbing her cheek,Lisanna's eyes softened before she looked into his eyes. "I love you,Lisanna...I always have...I didn't feel the need to give you some stupid title or tell you because I wanted to show you....Please don't leave...let me make it up to you.."he said,Lisanna looked away before she gasped from Bixlow kissing her neck softly and the nibbling on that same spot.

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