GraTsu Lemon (Take Me There)

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(A/N:) Because I'm doing Yaoi...the next one after this is StinGue.

Gray was upset.


He was pissed.

More pissed than he had ever been in his entire life.


Well, all because of a certain Dragon Slayer.

See, Natsu had done some pretty messed up things, and all of those really pushed his buttons too. But nothing had come close to angering him like THIS one did.

What did he do you ask? It's simple,really.

He kissed him. 

Well, it wasn't really much of a kiss, as it was smashing head first into him, but still. It pissed Gray off more than anything ever could. Why? Cause it had been Natsu. Natsu...of all the people in the world this accidental kiss could've been with, it was Natsu. Everytime he got around that "braindead idiot", his heart sped, his palms started sweating and he lost control of his actions. Being around Natsu made him angry, plain and simple....right? That weird, forced, and unplanned kissed had him fuming at the moment. His brain was in a fog, his heart had never ran so fast and all he could clearly think about was Natsu and his lips.......and how disgusting they were! He had to force himself to think that last bit.

Gray paced around his apartment with a quickness, embarrassment coursing through him. He and the rest of Team Natsu had been on a job in Galuna (Not so much a mission as it was a vacation). Apparently, Erza quickly got tired of their bickering. To her defense, they'd been doing it the entire boat ride, even through Natsu's constant motion sickness. So I soon as Gray went to spit another insult at Natsu, Erza grabbed them by their heads and went to slam them together. Unfortunately, Gray and Natsu turned to look at each other just as she did so.......and you get the point. Gray and Natsu's lips met and intertwined so quickly, everyone around didn't know what to say. Lucy stared with a faint blush on her cheeks, Wendy covered her face with embarrassment, Happy just chanted something like "Finally" and Erza.....well...she looked pretty content with her mistake. Gray and Natsu of course pulled away quickly.

That's a lie, the kiss lasted for about thirty-five seconds. Gray knew, he'd been counting through the entire thing. All he could do was stare at Natsu's embarrassed and confused face. "He adorable..." Gray thought to himself, smiling slightly before blinking and realizing what he'd just done. He quickly corrected himself, "No, I mean...uh...he's...annoying!"he told himself, blush crowding himself. Thoughts like these had been coursing through his brain all day. Well, they'd been coursing through his mind for years. They started when Natsu and Gray went to a bathhouse with a few of the other guys at the guild. 

Gray caught a glimpse of Natsu's....appendage and the only thing that filled his brain at the moment was a big fluster-fuck of erotic fantasies of him putting the appendage in his mouth and bending Natsu over in the bath, going in as deep as he could and not leaving until he'd left a white, sticky mark inside of the cherry blossom haired dragon slayer.


Those fantasies made his mouth water just thinking of them, his pants tightened quickly. "NO!" he shouted to himself, shaking his head around and beginning to pace again. He couldn't stand Natsu! Natsu was annoying! Natsu was loud! Natsu was a brat! Natsu was stupid! Natsu's muscles were so hot! Natsu was hot! Wait-

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" Gray screamed out, grabbing fist fulls of his own hair and and tugging at it. This had been happening all day, his thoughts had been more and more frequent since that stupid kiss. Damn you, Erza!

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