Chapter 8: Don't hold back!

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Streak pov

Day 24 without killing. Yes I counted... But only because Lucky did! She was so proud of me, like if she was surprised that I could hold that long. I smiled to myself. We met every night, and every time she would ask: "How many necks have been snapped tonight?". And even though that meant I had to hold back on every heist, I had to admit that the reword was worth it. She was definitely worth it.

I knew that I was in way to deep. Some night I found her, and some night she found me, but we met every night. There was actually 2 nights we didn't. She had been shoot in the shoulder by a criminal robbing a bank. I had to control myself on a new level not to find him and make him suffer. She had to stay home for 2 nights, and on the second night I actually considered following one of her teammates home. Of course I didn't! She would have hate me for doing that!

Whatever it was, this relationship we had, it only grew stronger and better every day. Opposite to my teammates trust towards me. Arsenal was the only one who had commented on my behaviour on the heists, but I knew that the others were thinking the same. Especially Red Raven. Every time we were out in the city together she kept her eyes on me. She could sense something was wrong. But I didn't care, as long as they didn't know about Lucky.

I walked into the living room looking for Robin, but I wasn't prepared for what I found. It looked like a war zone, and in the middle the two fighters/lovers were either killing each other or taking their relationship to the next level. A completely insane level! I gasped and covered my eyes.

S: "Dammit guys! You're turning this place into a brothel."

Red Robin smiled to me, but Red Raven sent me a killing gaze as she pulled up her bra.

Red Robin: "Jealous?"

He stroke his hand through his mohawk, and I rolled my eyes.

S: "Don't make me laugh."

Just as I said that, I realized that the part that they could live together, and that they didn't had to hide it, those parts I was jealous about. Blackfire walked in the door, but she didn't comment or anything. She actually acted like it was completely normal, which only made it worse.

Blackfire: "Streak I've been looking for you. Tempest left without me, and I was wondering if you wanted to hit the city with me?"

Red Robin: "Good idea Blackfire. I think Streak needs the air."

Right now I wanted to do anything but that. But then I noticed how Red Raven was looking at me. Like she was reading my mood and trying to predict my next move. She even lifted an eyebrow.

S: "Fine. I'll go with you."

I turned around and walked out, but then Red Raven yelled something after me.

Red Raven: "And Streak... Don't hold back."

I clenched my fist. What a bitch!

It was a nightmare! It had to be! We hadn't been out for more than an half hour, before Blackfire spotted her. She spotted Lucky. Blackfire was flying so I had no chance to stop her. She flew straight toward her, and I ran as fast as I could. Because of Blackfires head start, we reached the rooftop at the same time. Lucky turned around and gasped. Besides being stunned and worried, I could see that she didn't knew how to react. I desperately tried to come up with a plan.

Blackfire: "If it isn't the witch. It looks like you're out of luck."

L: "How would you know? I don't think you ever had any."

Blackfire clenched both her fists and looked at me.

Blackfire: "She's mine!"

Blackfire jumped forward, but Lucky was ready for her. Blackfires made some powerful manoeuvres and techniques. She was good, but Lucky was better. Clearly hand to hand combat was Luckys favourite. I folded my arms over my chest and enjoyed the show. I had to hold back the smiles every time Lucky made a perfect hit. I had to stay like a statue. Just standing still and watching them fight. They pushed each other back and forth a couple of times, but in the end Lucky had Blackfires back up against the wall. She looked back at me.

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