Chapter 11: Traitor

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Streak pov

Like that we took it to the next level. Every night we met in that apartment, and it was the highlight of my day. It wasn't just the physical part that had changed, but every part of our relationship. Things we hadn't talked about before, was suddenly not a problem. When she was laying next to me with her head resting on my chest and my arm around her, I could tell her everything. So I did. I told her things that I only had told Red Robin, end even things I hadn't told him.

It was amazing! I told her about all the terrible things I had done, and every time she just stroke my cheek and said:

L: "It's in the past. We live here and now."

It was liberating, and it made me feel free. She told me about her parents death, and how she had to take care of herself. The more she told me, the more I wanted to know. Every day we met, I wanted to spend more time with her. Luckily for me, we weren't that close on the team to begin with, so that I was acting different didn't matter to anyone. For her that wasn't easy. Her team was constantly blowing her in the neck and watching over her. She often told me about them fighting, and it was always about her. How she was destroying their team. It was hard on her, but still she arrived at the apartment every night.

I walked down the hallway in the T-tower. Robin and I had been working out together. He wanted to talk to me about him taking the next step with Red Raven. Like I gave a damn! I had hoped that it would feel like the old days, but it didn't... Our friendship had been reduced to a something that should be kept in a frame on a wall... Memories... I took a deep breath. If it wasn't for Lucky, I would have left this city.

Blackfire: "Streak!"

I rolled my eyes and turned around.

S: "What?"

Blackfire: "Tempest and Arsenal have caught two of those do-gooders down at the old church!"

I wasn't really listening, but then she caught my attention.

S: "The FIVE?"

Blackfire: "I don't remember their silly name!"

I grabbed her shoulders.

S: "Blackfire! Who is it?!"

She didn't like to get treated that way, so she blasted me, and I flew through the. I hit the wall, and landed on the floor.

Blackfire: "You know what Streak... You're no fun anymore! I think you should.."

My temper had suddenly risen to a critical point. If Lucky was one of the two... I had no time to play Blackfires little game! I flashed up to her, and smashed her into a wall.

S: "Don't do that ever again! And just to be clear: I don't give a damn about what you think! Now tell me WHO IS IT?!"

She looked scared, and she should be.

Blackfire: "It's the little tech guy and the one with one eye!"

I wanted to smile, but I had to stay cold. So I just lifted an eyebrow.

S: "See? That wasn't so hard."

I released her, and she stepped away from me. She was mad, but I just flashed away.

I searched for Lucky through the city, and it didn't take long to find her. She was looking after someone to.

S: "Lucky!"

She was surprised and she dragged me behind a corner.

L: "What are you doing?! Someone could see us!"

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