Chapter 9: You

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Lucky pov

I woke up with Wally's arms around me. I could feel his calm breathing on my neck, and his chest was lying against my back so I could feel his heart beat. I smiled and enjoyed it for a couple of seconds. I had never felt that warm and safe. But then I realized that I couldn't move. I was lying as still as I could and tried to come up with something, when he suddenly whispered.

S: "Planning your escape?"

I smiled and stroke his hand with my fingertips.

L: "No! Of course not."

I turned around to look at him, and he moved his hand down to my thigh. I stared into his deep green eyes, and for a second I thought I saw a yellow lightning. But that would be crazy!

S: "Good. Because you know that I could catch you."

He wasn't smiling just staring at me, and I blushed. His hair was just a red chaos, so I moved a lock of it from his face.

L: "It's so romantic when you're threatening."

S: "I know what the ladies want."

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back, but I couldn't stop wondering.

L: "You think, we like men who threatens us?"

He rested his head on his hand and looked wondering at me.

S: "I think, you know exactly what you found attractive with me, the first time you saw me."

I sat up in the bed and looked at him with a serious look.

L: "What do you mean with that?!"

S: "What I mean, is that women tell themselves that they want someone who's just sweet and kind. But what they actually want is someone who's dark, mysterious and can challenge them. But I know you don't agree, and that's okay! Let's not discuss it right now."

He was right. I didn't feel like arguing with him, so I nodded and he smiled. I found my communicator next to the bed. It's was far past noon! I should return to my team before they would start worrying... If they weren't already. I swung my legs off the bed.

L: "It's late! I have to return to my team!"

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me back. He laid his arms around me and it made me laugh.

S: "You can take one day off! Let's just stay here and enjoy the good company."

L: "I don't... I can't just stay and do nothing."

S: "You won't be doing nothing! You'll be enjoying life for once."

I wasn't convinced, but it did sound nice. I bit my lip and he lifted an eyebrow.

S: "Look... I agreed to the no killing part, so you can take one day trying my lifestyle."

I took a deep breath.

L: "Well when you put it like that... I guess, I owe you for the "no killing part"."

He smiled. Then he dragged me closer and kissed me. Lying in his arms and kissing him... My heart thanked my head a thousand times.

The stars had once again lightened the sky, and one of the best days in my life was closing in on its end. We were sitting on the couch drinking tea (which Wally had BOUGHT in a store!) and talking. We had just finished a subject and the silence was waiting to be killed. I could only think about one think to ask about, and I had thought about it all day. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

L: "Wally... Did you really mean it... The thing about women and attraction?"

He took a deep breath.

S: "I knew, I shouldn't have said that."

L: "No it's okay! I want to know what you think, but you just have to explain it to me."

He breathed out heavily, but then he moved closer and picked up my hand.

S: "You like control. You like to have plans, and you like to know exactly what's going to happen. Which is why you want to think, that you want a sweet do-gooder. You think, you want someone that you can predict and always agrees with you. Someone who matches your wish for control."

I would have protested and made arguments, but as he talked he stroke my hand and wrist with his finger tips. He had done it before, but this time he did it in a new, soft and gentle way. I had closed my eyes and could feel it trough my whole body. It felt very nice, so I just nodded.

S: "But it's not what you really want. You want someone exciting and unpredictable."

He grabbed my hip and shoulder in a flash, and then he forced me to lay down. I opened my eyes, and I just stared at him.

S: "You want someone daring, who pushes your limits and challenges you."

He leaned down over me, and I was caught by his intense stare. I could feel his hand moving around on my thigh, but I was to swallowed up in his story to think about it.

S: "You want someone who knows what he wants, and who will do everything to get it."

The hand on my thigh slowly but focused moved to my hip. I gasped, as he confidently slipped his hand under my shirt and placed it on my stomach.

S: "Someone who's confident and has his own opinion, and don't care what others think."

He leaned closer, and I noticed the lightning in his eyes again.

S: "And most important. You want someone who's intense and passionate about the one thing that really matters..."

He kissed my collarbone.

S: "... You!"

He leaned in and kissed me on the mouth. It was just as intense and passionate as he promised. With one hand on my stomach he hold me down, and the other grabbed my thigh to keep me still. I ran my fingers through his wild hair.

He stopped the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine.

S: "I love you Slowpoke."

I dragged him down and gave him a gentle kiss, before I whispered in his ear.

L: "I love you to!"

We both smiled. I felt warm in every part of my body.

L: "You really like your lifestyle?"

He looked surprised.

S: "Yes. I know it's hard to understand, since you've never..."

L: "Then show me!"

He was stunned.

L: "I want to understand. Show me why you like it."

S: "Are you sure?"

I nodded and he leaned down and kissed me again.

S: "Then let's go."

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