Chapter one

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Current ages: you are 1900/19 in demon/human years, Bill is 2000/20 in demon/human years, Mabel and Dipper are both 19

A few years later~

-Dippers POV-

"Gravity Falls! I missed you!" Mabel says as she embraces.....the air? I chuckle at Mabel, she hasn't grown up personality wise. I walk to the Mystery Shack together with Mabel and open the door, just to find Wendy, Soos, Stan, Ford and Pasifica, with a cake saying 'Welcome to Gravity Falls for good!' Yeah, you heard that. Me and Mabel aren't going to collage, but are staying here. Mabel runs over to Pasifica to give her a hug while I walk over to the rest.

~Time skip made by Dippy Fresh~

After the small party was finished, I decided to walk in the woods. And so, now I'm walking in the woods. From time to time my body tells me to go to Bill, but I ignore it. At some point, I stop and sit down. It was the beautiful lake. Suddenly, I hear a crack and a yelp. I look up only to get pounced on.

-Yo POV-

I'm drawing something, sitting on a branch, when suddenly I hear a crack. I Yelp as I fall down, landing on someone. Smooth. Shut up, me. Anyways, I use my hands to lift my body a bit, so I can see who or what I landed on. It was a boy, around my age, with brown hair and a similar color eyes. I blush slightly, but the boy seemed completely flustered. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to-" "N-no problem....can you get off of me?" The boy asks as I blush a bit more, internally face palming. I help the boy stand up, and for a few seconds we stay silent. "So...what's your name?" "(Y/f/n), yours?" "Dipper Pines. I'm going back to the Mystery Shack, you wanna come?" "K" I casually say as I stand up, leading myself to the Mystery Shack. I know the woods- scratch that, the whole of Gravity Falls better then my left hand. "W-wait up! Man, you are FAST!" Dipper says as he tries to keep of with me. I giggle as I go a bit slower, but it's no need because we're already there.

Dipper opens the door after catching up with me and yells "Back! And I gut a guest!" It's silent for a few silent until I get glomped by a brown, pink and neon blue blur. "HI I'M MABEL I LIKE GLITTER AND I HAVE A PET PIG NAMED WADDLES! LET'S BE FRIENDS!" The blur says. As I get her off of me, I see what she looks like. She has the same color hair and eyes as Dipper, with her hair in a braid. She's wearing a pink sweater with a shooting star on it, the sleeves folded up a bit and some purple shorts. She has colorful bandaids all over her arms and legs, from which I'm guessing is just too wild adventures. I do a quick mind scan and get my theory proven right. "Mabel, relax. This is (y/n), (y/n), this is Mabel, my twin sister." Dipper says as Mabel goes off of me. "Soooooo I guess you're his girlfriend?" Mabel says as she wiggles her eyebrows and nudges my arm. I blush a bit. "N-no, I just landed on top of him because a branch broke making me fall, and he kinda invited me over, and now I'm here!" I say, as I learn to control my blush. Dipper still has a red face, making me giggle.

"What's all the commotion about- wut." An old guy in a trench-coat walks in but freezes when he sees me. Don't I know him? "Wait- STANFORD!?" I yell out as I run to hug him. But then...I get pushed?! I see Stanford, an angry but sorrowful look in his eyes. Small tears form in my eyes as I look at him. Suddenly, his face changes to pure shock and sympathy. I'm very confused. I try to read his mind, but it seems like he installed something. Why would he do that? "Kids, please, leave the room. I have to talk to our...guest..." He says as the twins walk out the room, giving me s 'idk what happened he's not normally like this' look. I look at Stanford, tears in my eyes. "S-Stanford..."

"You still remember me, right?"

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