~A Tad Strange: Part Two~

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~Where we left off~


Your POV

Bill pushed Tad?!? "Why the actual hell did you do that?!" I yell, trying to control my anger. Relax, (Y/n)! Maybe he had a reason for pushing Tad! "Can we talk....outside?" Bill asks, making me notice people are staring. I let out an agitated sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Fine. But you better have a good explanation!"

I sit in front of the lake where I fell on Dipper, Bill standing in front of me as I'm sitting on a piece of wood. "Explain."

Bills POV

"Explain." I cringe at the sound of her voice, which is normally sweet and angelic, but was now laced with venom, hatred dripping off of it. "I.... Let me start from the beginning, it'll be easier." I let out a small sigh, a bit embarrassed about the whole thing. "So, at the party I thought you were with me. I joined a dance competition, but not because I wanted to win for myself... I was doing it for you. When I won, I finally noticed that you weren't next to me. I was searching for you, because I knew your favorite song was playing. But then I saw you dancing with some... Some stranger! And when Question Mark announced the karaoke, he started acting all weird, and I noticed you were uncomfortable! I was angered, but I didn't give up yet. So, instead, I joined the karaoke to impress you. And I thought it worked! Until you just walked away, probably to the two dudes you were hugging with. So then the two dudes sang, and I saw you talking to them, and... And then you sang. And then I realized that what you two were talking about, what irritated you.... He managed to make you sing in public. You barely ever sang to me! Only when I was really sad or upset! And now some stranger puts on a "cute face" and you just roll with it! And when you finished...you..." "I what?" "YOU WALKED TO THEM! You.... You acted like you knew them for ages, and I know you don't! You didn't even think about walking to me, talking to me, even making eye contact!" A painful silence fills the atmosphere, making me feel a bit scared. "So what?" I freeze.

Your POV (it's about to go down)

"So what?" The words roll off of my tongue, my expression darkening. "What would it matter to you? Why do you now suddenly care?" "I-" "Can't I have friends? Can't I have fun? Can't I fall in love? Can't I breathe? You don't control me. How will I move on with life when you keep latching your arms around my leg, like a child who won't share their toy. And this isn't the first time you've fallen apart without me, isn't it?" I see Bill tense up, knowing what I'm talking about. "I left to spread my wings, find happiness! And you're always so selfish, thinking that I always have to stay with you. You almost took over the whole world for godssake! But, I know that you just felt lonely, since you didn't have any other friends. But this... This, now I'm thinking about it, is more of a first then anything..." I let out a dry chuckle, suddenly standing up, right in front of him. "You never act like this! You never acted like you felt anything for me, until now! And now, here you are, thinking that a 'sweet' explanation and a protective act will just make me fall head over heels for you! Well, newsflash! That won't be able to happen! Because you're never honest to yourself or to me! How do you feel about me?!" I yell out, tears rolling down my face. "I...I..." I take a deep breath, my tears still rolling on my cheeks, one by one. "You've said enough, Cipher." I run away, my tears following me. "(Y/n), wait!"

Tad's POV

I look at Will, my eye wide. We followed (Y/n) and that guy who did Karaoke here, wanting to know what was wrong. What we heard was more then surprising. Will looks at me, then nods, and then I speed off, following her footsteps. Man, she's fast! I stop as I notice a body, cramped together at the side of a tree. I slowly walk over to the body, which I'm sure is (Y/n)'s body, sitting next to her as I hug the body. I feel her trembling form stiffen, but slowly accept the hug as she realizes she's safe with me. As she curls out of a ball, I give her a more proper hug, whispering reassuring things into her ear.

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