Chapter two

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~Where we left off~
"You still remember me, right?"

-Yo POV-

"You still remember me, right?"

I see his expression darken as he lets out a dry chuckle. "Remember...REMEMBER!?" I wince at his sudden raise of voice, shrinking slightly. "You... I trusted you, I trusted him, but....I should have known better..." I see small tears form in his eyes, a few falling down. "You were like a daughter to me! And when I found out the truth, you were so cowardly to not even show your face again for years! And come barging in, thinking I'll let all of that slip? No....I won't..." "What are you talking about, Sixer?-" "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" I back up a bit as he yells at me, tears streaming down my face. He suddenly looks worried and confused, and that soon turns into a face of realization. " don't know what happened, did you?" I look at him, a confused look on my face as my tears start to dry. Sixer sighs audibly, giving me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for yelling at you...let's talk about this outside with some tea, I know that always relaxes you." I smile sweetly, nodding softly. "Do you have (Favorite tea flavor)?" (a/n sorry if you don't like tea, you can change it with another drink if you'd like to) Sixer nods, a small smile on his face.

-Dipdops POV-

As Great Uncle Ford tells me and Mabel to go upstairs, I think about what happened. Did they know each other? Or is this just accidental? As I look over at Mabel, I see she has the same thoughts as I.

~small Timeskip to you and Sixer going outside~

As I look out the window, I can see (Y/n) and Great Uncle Ford....talking? It seems like they've been out there for a while, and it looks like (Y/n) has been...crying? Luckily enough I can read lips, which I had to learn when Great Uncle Ford and I went to a cave where you couldn't make any sounds. I look a bit closer as I start reading their lips.
'I can't believe he did that!'
'Did he tell you about it?'
'No....wait, when did this all happen again? When did this start, you think?'
'I think when he came here, but you didn't come back with him again, the one after he left to check on you'
Who and what are they talking about?
'Wait....' I slowly see (Y/n) tearing up, a few tears dropping down.
'It' happened because...because I ran away.... If I didn't, you....they.....would be alright....'
I see Great Uncle Ford giving her a hug, patting her back. I go downstairs and wait in the living room for them to return.

-Yo POV (yes again)-

I cry on Sixers shoulder as he wraps his arms around me, patting my back. After a few seconds, I let go, sniffling a bit. "So....where is he now?" I ask. I want to see him, even if it was his dead body, even after everything he did to the Pines family. "I.....i don't think you should go there, at least, not now..." I grumble silently under my breath, I'll just go there myself when I find him. "Let's go inside, the kids probably want an explanation." The kids.... I forgot about them! "What are we gonna say?!" I ask, panicking a bit. "Just tell the truth, but don't mention Bill or anything. Just say you 'once visited' and if they ask about Bill, just act like you don't know him." I smile as a listen to the idea, nodding my head slightly all the way through to show I understand. "Okay, I can do that!" We both stand up, giving each other one more smile, before saying in unison:

"We can do this."

(Heya there! I hope you've been enjoying the book so far! Sorry for the long wait, but here it is! Sorry if there's any spelling errors, I'm Dutch :p)

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