~The Ball: Part One~

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2nd POV


Tad stands at the doorway, practically gasping for air. "What're you doing he-"

"You can't go!"

His eyes are frantic as he looks at me. "Please don't go. Your mom will be fine, I'm sure of it." You give him a strange look before walking towards him. "Hey, where's Will? Shouldn't you look out for him?"

"He's... at home. And you-" he grabs your arm, yanking you towards the door, "-should be going home too. It was nice seeing you, Pines, but we have to get going now."

Tad drags you out of the Mystery Shack with a strength you didn't know he had, since even you, a demon can't pull away from his grip. "T-Tad, you're worrying me. What's wrong?" He stops dragging you and looks into your (e/c) eyes. "I overheard what that demon person said, and it sounds like a trap. Wouldn't your father want you back? What if he forces you to stay forever?"

You finally manage to remove his hand from your arm, which has become red. "My father is cruel, but he's not an idiot. If he wanted to force me to stay he'd be smarter about it." "But-" With a cold gaze you stare a Tad down. "Don't act like you know him, Tad. Please."

~time-skip made by a long overdue chapter~

Your POV

I shuffle into my room and close the door with my powers. Tad has been acting really out of character lately, and what happened today was the final straw. I grab my infinity bag, change into something comfortable and turn all the lights in my room off. Now to find my travel crystal, the thing I need to travel to the Underworld, so I can start leaving.

I look around my room for a bit, but I can't find it. It's not stored in my infinity bag either, which is annoying. Maybe I left it in another room? I walk over to Will's room and knock, but the door creeks open.

"(Y/n)? You alright?" Will looks...normal? Well, normal as in not even slightly sad. "Yeah, have you seen a small crystal around? It's red, glows mysteriously?" Will shrugs. "You can look in my room if you want."


Will normally doesn't allow anyone to enter his room, but he's suddenly just offering it? Casually, too? "Uh, sure! Thanks..."

Will's room is...white? There's almost nothing except a bed with light blue covers. The walls, floor, everything is white! It's like one of those insane asylum rooms, minus the padded walls. "Is it always this empty?"

Will shrugs again. "I don't remember, to be honest." This is creepy. Really creepy. I walk out the room and run downstairs, into the living room where Tad is watching something on his laptop. "Tad, can you come up here?" He turns to look at me. "Is everything alright?"

I walk up the stairs again, Tad following. "No, Will's entire room is bare, completely empty. He's acting weird, too!" Tad's jaw tightens, probably out of worry. "Is that so?" We reach Will's room, and I open the door to show the-

"What's empty about it?"

What? The room isn't empty anymore- the walls are painted a light blue with little white clouds, there's a big, white closet, a white desk with a desk lamp, pens, and more. There's even a window! "B-but..."

Will walks in, his pupils blown wide as he tears up. "W-what are you d-doing in h-h-here?" "What? Will, you invited me i-" Tad places a hand on my shoulder. "You should lay down, (Y/n). I think you're still a bit flustered from Aurum's visit."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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