~A Tad Strange: Part Three~

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Your POV

I sigh, running my hand through my messy, tangled up hair. It was all a dream. I smile, noticing that even though my dream was a bit shocking, I don't feel fatigued, meaning I've slept well. 'I mean, who couldn't in that bed?' I let out a yawn, standing out of bed, only to smell something heavenly. I walk down the stairs, still in the boxers and Tad's shirt, humming slightly. When I go in the dining room, I gasp. There are eggs, omelettes, bacon, meat, pancakes, tea, coffee and more! I smile slightly as I see Will in the kitchen, humming slightly as he removes muffins from the oven. "Good morning, Will." Will tenses up, but quickly relaxes, realizing it's me. "Good morning, (Y/n). Did you sleep well?" He asks, putting the muffins on the table, smiling at me. 'I'm not gonna talk about my dream, it might worry them' "Great, actually! I haven't slept in such a nice bed for a long time! Did you sleep well?" "I slept very well, I haven't slept this well for years! I think it's because you're here now." Will says, smiling at me as he sits at the table. I do the same, as Tad walks in, smiling at us. "Good morning, you two! You weren't planning on eating that without me, weren't you?" The three of us laugh, as we dig into the feast Will has made, chatting about random subjects. As we put the plates into the dishwasher, we decide to not go out right now, because it's still morning. I grab my phone from my infinity bag, checking my messages, only to see Mabel called me. I call her, hoping she'll pick up.

Mabel's POV (well isn't this a first?)

I sigh, bored and sad. Since (Y/n) has left, it's been so glum. I tried calling her phone, but she didn't pick up. Suddenly, my phone goes off, and as I look at the caller I tear up. "H-hello?" "Hey Mabel- what's wrong?" I cry tears of joy, hearing her voice. "Dipper! I-it's (Y/n)!" As Dipper runs in, worry and panic in his eyes, he gasps as he sees my phone. "(Y/n)..?" "O, hey Dipper!" "(Y/n)! You're okay! Where are you, what happened, why were you in some shirtless guys' arms?" "Relax you two! Meet me at Greasy's Diner! And do not bring him." As (Y/n) hangs up, we run to Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford. "(Y/n) wants to meet us at Greasy's! Come on, let's go!"

Your POV

"Guys, I'm going to Greasy's to meet up with my old housemates!" "Can we come?" I smile at Will, nodding my head. "Why not! I really want you two to get to know them!"

I walk in with Will and Tad, only to be crushed in a big hug, which I'm guessing is from all the Pines. "G-guys, you're choking me..." "I'm so sorry (Y/n)! It's just, I'm so happy to see you! We thought you left us forever!" I smile at Dipper, wiping his tears away. "Why did you think that? I just left the house because there are too many things in the shack that remind me of him. Also, guys, these are Will and Tad, my new housemates and friends!" As we sit down, Dipper and Will sit next to me. I smile at the rest, happy, until the sudden memory of that dream pops up. Why him? We're angry at him! It didn't seem like a nightmare, so- "Hey, you there?" I snap out of my thoughts as Mabel's hand waves across my face. "Y-yeah! I was just lost in thought..." She raises an eyebrow at me, but shrugs it off, continuing her cheerful chatter.

3rd POV

The now reunited group of people has sat down, talking about everything that has happened, random subjects and things about Will and Tad. Will was feeling bad, scratch that, horrible. But can you blame him? He is sitting with literal duplicates of his old abusers. Not only that, his brother, the person who got him into the mess with his abusers, might be in town. He felt his head spin, so he rested it on (Y/n)'s shoulder, snuggling with them as they burry their face into her shoulders. He purrs silently as the (blonde, brunette, etc) pets and strokes their hair, comforting them from the distress.

Dippers POV (short)

I sigh, staring at (Y/n) as she talks about her favorite show. Her eyes are filled with so much passion, I could get lost in them. I look over at Mabel, blushing as she wiggles her brows at me slightly. I let out a humph, looking the other way only to see- what was his name? Wool... Wall... Bill- Woah, not that! W... Will! Yeah, Will. He was leaning onto (Y/n), hiding his face as (Y/n) pets his hair. I glare at him for a while, before I focus back on the conversation. I look at Mabel, and she started wiggling her eyebrows even more then before.

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