Chappy four

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Where we left off~~~


-Doritos POV-

I awkwardly scratch my neck, my cheeks a bit puffed from irritation. 'I'm only doing this for (y/n)'. I sigh, until I suddenly get punched in the face by Stanley. I let out a groan, followed by a slight chuckle. Pain is only hilarious when I posses someone, but in my own body it isn't very pleasant. I smirk. Even though I don't have my powers, she does.

"You better stop that, you wouldn't like getting (y/n) angry!~" I smoothly say, my smirk not leaving my face. Mabel's face goes white, I'm guessing she knows what (y/n) could do with little energy. Sixer pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing as he slowly looks at me. "Seeing (y/n) is like a daughter to me, and she thinks you can redeem yourself, I guess we can try to give you a chance." "Woah there! Just because you know the weird demon child, doesn't mean we do! Who knows, maybe she's evil!" Stanley says, glaring at me. "Even though I really don't like Bill, (y/n) seems trustable. Even though she bubbled me, when she popped the bubble she put cushions. I think we should give Bill a chance. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even have powers yet! He threatened us with (y/n), not himself. So even if he was evil, he couldn't really do anything!" Mabel states, a proud smirk on her face as she crosses her arms.

-What hey ur POV how fun-

I look into my glass orb, following the scene as it slowly unfolds. I turn around as I top the pancakes, each with toppings that will probably be liked by the eater. Dipper got blueberries and melted chocolate, with a few extra small fruits. Mabel got raspberries, strawberries covered in melted chocolate, whipped cream and pink sprinkles. Sixer got cherries, a strawberry or two, a few blueberries and to top it off melted, dark chocolate and whipped cream. Fez got the same thing, only with some cranberries. For Bill I added bananas, strawberries, blueberries, some chocolate chip sprinkles, melted dark chocolate and to top it off whipped cream with a nice, crimson cherry on top. For myself I added (whatever topping you like).

I look into my glass orb, only seeing that Dipper is awake, and that they're all shaking hands with Bill in a peace offering manner. I smile as I snap my fingers, making the table ready. I put a vase in the middle with beautiful, blue roses, which give out an amazingly delicate smell. I bring all the plates to the table, and when I'm done I already hear footsteps. "I SMELL PANCAKES!" Mabel cries out, only to stand still and be astonished by the table in front of her. Soon everyone is here, and I smile at them. "I want you all to choose which pancake plate you want. And yes, they are all the same amount!" I say, knowing they'll choose the ones meant for them. And yes, each and every one of them went to their pancakes. "It's like you planned this!" Dipper says, which I respond with a wink, telling him it was planned, only to hear a light growl from Bill. "Twis is amwazing!" Mabel says, mouth full with pancakes. "Thanks, it's a recipe from my...self..."

I go silent as I think about my mom, or should I say slave to my father. My mom is human, and my dad knew a hybrid would be stronger then a normal demon, so he made my sweet mother fall in love with him, only to be used. Bill looks at me, worry in his eye. I smile at him and the rest, before digging in the heavenly goodness. I don't want to brag, but these pancakes are amazing, if I say so myself. After we finished the pancakes, we talk with each to her to get to know each other. It's funny, I only know Dipper, Mabel and Stanly for about an hour maybe, but it feels like it's been years! Our chatting slowly forms about talking about a party they're gonna have.

"I'm guessing that me and Bill are invited?" I say playfully, earning some laughs and chuckles. "Yep! But we might have to try and not call Bill Bill, seeing the townsfolk aren't quite fond of him." Mabel says, earning a few nods. "But what should his name be then?" Dipper, asks, pondering about suitable names. I smirk evilly, looking at Bill as his face goes white. 'You wouldn't' he says in my mind. 'I will' I say in his mind, as I turn to the rest. "Bill isn't his real name though~" I say, an evil grin on my face as I stick my tongue out at Bill quickly. "It's William~" I say, giggling. Giggles, laughs and chuckles fill the room, before I silence everyone. "It's not a bad name for him, it's just that he is embarrassed about it~" I smirk at him as he sinks down in his chair, face white. "Okay, then it's settled! William it is!" Mabel says, enthusiasm in her voice. Bill grumbles something under his breath, giving me an 'are-you-freaking-serious' look. I smile sweetly at him, snapping my fingers so the plates go to the sink themselves. The rest of the day me, Dipper, Mabel and Bill talk, ending the day with a crappy movie called 'Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 3', as we settle in. Bill and I slept in a room, where two temporary beds were put for us. (The Carpet Diem room)

(A/n: hey dudes and dudettes! I hope meww liked this chapter! It isn't purrfect, but hey, pancakes and Eddswworld references! Sorry fur the long wwait! It just took furrever to think of a plot! See meww in the next chapter!)

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