3. Today's the Day...

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I'm excitingly screaming out the lyrics of 'Moodswings' while applying my lipgloss in Weri's mam's car. We are on our way to the Olympia Theatre in Dublin to see the one a only, Janoskians. "Here take this" I gave her the ticket. We turned the final corner and I took a deep breathe in. I seen a huge line of girls and one or two boys that were waiting for the show, there's a separate line for vip M&G. Weri's mam parked the car in the only available parking spot left in sight and we hopped out of the car.

Since we were under 16, we needed an adult's permission to enter the building so Weri's mam waited with us in line. We got some dirty looks from the other line because they didn't get the vip M&G ticket, just the show. I ignored them but I felt so sorry for them because it's really just a tease, seeing the boy's show but not physically meeting them and talking to them.

As we were waiting, some staff was scanning down the queue selling the Janoskians cd and tshirts. When they reached us we each bought their cd. Damn, I just couldn't wait to see them. I want tell them how much they've changed my life and how much they mean to me.
Just then, I seen four girls leaving, they had signed papers, the boy's cd and were squealing and jumping around. They were showing each other something on their phones which I'm assuming was photos with them. A huge smile appeared on my face. I was so happy for them. Soon, I'll be having the exact same experience...

After an hour of a wait, the vip M&G line was getting shorter and shorter. I was really nervous but at the same time excited as hell. Before we knew it, there was just one group of people waiting in front of us. We were both shaking insanely from the nerves that were suddenly hitting in. The security guard at the entrance nodded at the group and they quickly passed him and into the building.

Weri's mam told the security guard that we had her permission to see the boys. "Enjoy yourselves girls!" She said while giving us both a tight hug. She left to return to her car while the security guard put a yellow wristband on our wrists to confirm that we are VIPs. "You can now enter" said the security man. We squeezed hands and looked at each other, intaking a deep breath and releasing it. We stepped in...

AN: Omg guys!!! Ahhhh what do ya think?! I'm getting excited from just writing it! I hope you're enjoying this so far, I'm writing whenever it's possible because it can be hard when I have buckets of homework and projects to do. Thanks for reading as well, It means the world to me! Whenever I see a comment, I end up smiling like a lunatic for the whole day because it honestly means so much to me. THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! <3<3<3 It's gonna start getting interesting and exciting from now on, I promise!!! Btw follow me on Twitter @amymurp442 and comment your users below, I'd love to get to know a few of ya!!!💗💗💗

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