22. Partytime- "I'll make sure you're safe."

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We made our way to the house. It was in total, a ten minute walk. Past the alleyways, the closed shops, a few back roads and there we are. The music could be heard a street down. Luke knocked on the door and a boy the age of around eighteen or nineteen answered. He had a bottle of beer in his hand and a cigarette hanging loosely on his pierced lips. He was a goth as it was clearly identified by the amount of black he was wearing. He welcomed us in as he started holding a conversation with Luke.

"Luke, I'm going to get Weri and I'll be back soon."

"Yeah okay I will be outside at the backyard porch hanging with these dudes. Don't bring Weri out okay? I'll keep an eye on you to make sure you're safe and be careful walking alone up the roads."

"Okay father." I said cockily as I strolled over to the path.

There was a group of teens about a year or two older than me and two boys were whispering to each other and smirking at me while staring at my body in the clingy dress I was wearing. I just stuck my middle finger up, ignoring them and I walked right past them dicks.

I collected Weri from her house and we walked to the party.

Weri was wearing a white mini dress with thin straps and lace near the waist area. She had small silver platform shoes as she could actually walk in them compared to me and had her hair in loose beach waves. She is so fucking pretty. She wore popping red lipstick with natural eyes and a little bit of mascara was on her super long eyelashes. She is just so fucking pretty. She was clearly a size 6 or smaller in that dress, 4 if possible. She has a natural tan so she doesn't need fake tan. You wouldn't expect us to get along that well as we are kind of different but I suppose that's what make us bond too. We have the same interests but different styles and stuff it's complicated to be honest. Like, I'm wearing a black dress, oxfords, straightened hair, A dramatic gold smoky eye with winged liner, a size 10 and legit the palest person in history and I never put on fake tan because it's just so... Fake? And also the same with false lashes and nails, I just hate them.

We entered the house which was vibrating with loud music. I looked across the sitting room to see my other friends Buphay, Amiina, Darragh, Ethan and Aaron talking to each other. I dragged Weri over and we got engaged in a conversation. We got some drinks aswell and I made sure to pour everyone's drinks because I don't trust that cunt who offered us one and I really don't want to get spiked tonight. Well, I don't want to get spiked at all but whatever.

Luke was constantly at the back of my mind as I knew he was lurking around somewhere.
The house got so crowded by people you couldn't breathe without nearly squashing someone. I had only two drinks and I wasn't drunk thank fuck though the three boys which are my good friends were fucking out of this world. They couldn't stand without help from one of us girls! I smoked some shisha with Weri as the other girls danced. We both got up and started to dance then.

I found myself constantly gazing at the clock to see what time it was as I knew what was going to happen at the countdown and I was just generally excited for it.

Weri only had one drink and she asked me to get her another so I went off to get her one. I waited for the girl in front of me to finish pouring her drink when a hand clutched my ass. I was forced around as there was a hand on each of my shoulders. What the fuck? Wait, that's one of the boys that I had seen walking into the driveway eyeing me up. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. His hand travelled down to my chest and he kissed my neck forcefully. You could smell alcohol strongly off him so he's drunk. This isn't going to go well is it.


"Baby girl, let's have some fun."
He lifted me up but I kept wiggling to get out of his grip. I kicked him straight in the balls and he had a pained expression on his face but I suppose that made him angry because he got even rougher.
I cried and cried but for some fucking reason no one was listening. Like hello? I'm about to get fucking raped! Helllooooo. Out of absolute nowhere the prick fell to the ground and wiped his nose that was pumping blood. I turned around and seen Luke.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou!"
I hugged him so tightly I think I would have suffocated him if I held the hug for another second.

"Fucking disgusting motherfucker, get a life!"
He shouted to the boy. I can tell you now, this boy was petrified of Luke. Absolutely petrified. He shook his head and stumbled to his feet, leaving quickly.
"I told you, I'll make sure you're safe." He smiled and made his way to the other room. I poured Weri's drink and shoved past the people grinding on each other to get to her.


Fucking hell, I'm so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if I caught frostbite. I watched as I moved the drink swirling around in my cup, not focusing, only thinking.

A.N- This will make more sense in the next chapter but hopefully this is good enough for the time being. Love you all and remember to vote babes!❤️

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