4. M&G

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"You can now enter" boomed the security man. We squeezed hands and looked at each other, intaking a deep breath and releasing it. We stepped in...


We ran up the stairs as quick as our feet could take us. I was shaking and my heart was beating so fast. That's when I seen my life savers in front of me. They're pure art I tell you!

With the blink of an eye, I have jumped onto Jai and I gave him the biggest huge I've ever given before. "I love you so much, it's actually unbelievable. You're my world." A tear trickled down my face. I wasn't nervous at all anymore. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked across to see Weri's head deep into Luke's chest.

"Babe I love you too. Without you's, we'd be nothing. What's your name beautiful?", said Jai while putting my feet down onto the ground.

"Amy." My heart skipped several beats. Jai wiped a tear away from my face.

"Don't cry Amy."
"It's tears of happiness, Jai Jai." I said while sniffling but grinning like a freak.

"The name 'Amy' is lovely. French name?" Jai said. " Awwwwww thankyou and yeah it's a French name." I giggled.

I took out my phone and I captured funny faces that we were both doing. I winked at him and he bit his lip and looked down at the ground.

Beau was next in line. "Hey cunt" he said while grabbing my phone and taking selfies of us. Skip jumped in so we took a few more pictures.

"Thanks for coming we really appreciate it" Beau said while giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Here, take this, we signed it for you." Skip said while placing it deep in my pocket.

"Thankyou, I love you's all so so much." I kissed Skip on the cheek and gave him a hug.

Me and Weri passed each other and smiled insanely.

"Hey" which both James and Luke said in sync, causing us to laugh. I grabbed them both and squeezed them so tight that they were probably just about to pass out.

"I love yous so much you lil shitheads."   "Awwwww we love you too" said James.
"Says the lil one herself." Luke said which caused me to giggle.
"Hey fuck off you meanie." I said, playfully.

"I'm not mean!" Luke said with a sarcastically-surprised expression.

"Yeah, yeah" I said, giggling.

"Hey can you take a photo of me and the boys?" Weri said. "Yeah sure babe" I replied, while taking her phone. I took a few photos on her phone. Luke had his arm around her while she blushed and looked up into his eyes. I snapped it quick when they weren't looking and smiled.

"Awww that's a cute photo.", I heard. I knew it was Jai immediately. I spun around. "Yeah, they look so cute together!" I said.

Jai nodded his head up and down. "You know that you're like the sexiest person who has ever lived. Right?" I said, causing him to blush.

"Yeah I know", he said, causing us both to giggle. I bit my lip as my eyes traced down to his full lips. Our heads slowly came closer to one another. I put my arms around his neck while his hands slipped around my waist. My lips brushed off his and I instantly felt electricity racing through my whole body. Our lips went in sync with one another and I instantly knew what to do. Our tongues, exploring the opposite's person's mouth. This was the most magical moment of my life. This was my first kiss. I've been holding back kissing anyone for roughly two years, I was waiting for the right person. After what I'd say, was a good two minutes, we pulled away.
"Wow" he said.  "What an amazing kisser you are." I giggled while staring into his big hazel eyes.
"You're my first kiss, ya know."
"No way! A girl as beautiful as you has never been kissed before now?!" "Awwww Jai! Stop! You're gonna make me blush!" I said while covering my face.
"Hey give me your number babe and maybe we could meet up before we do our next show somewhere else." JAI BROOKS WANTS MY NUMBER OMG!!! : ,screamed my inner self.
"Yeah sure, no problem!" I replied, as we exchanged phone numbers.
"I'll call you VERY soon, got it?" He questioned.
"Got it." I said.

"Hey Weri can you take a few photos for me now, with the boys?" I asked. "Okay" she smiled as I handed her my phone. We posed for the photos when all of a sudden Jai lifted me up like a little baby. I threw my head back laughing, like we all were as it was so unexpected. We gave each other a quick kiss on the lips as I heard my phone, snapping some more pictures.

"Awwww" said the four boys and Weri. I smiled. Jai put me back down.

"Thanks Weri, your the best" I said while she gave me my phone back.

"No probs girl" she sang back. I glanced over at a security guard. He was getting more impatient by the second.

"Hey, before we go, can you's quickly sign our Dirty Pig tee shirts?" I asked.

"Yeah no problem!" James answered. They each signed our tee shirts before we were literally dragged out the door by security.

"Bye!", both me and Weri called out.

"We'll see you ladies at the show later!" Skip called out.

When we got outside, we walked slowly over to the waiting line for the show. The line was now moving as people were allowed in.

"GUESS WHAT!!! Weri screamed, jumping like a kangaroo.

"What?" " I just had my first kiss with Luke fricken Brooks!!!" Chirped Weri.

"Really?! I'm so happy for you! I got my first kiss too, from Jai!!!" I said.

"We are two lucky biatches" "He's going to ring me after the show" added Weri.

" Same with Jai." I said. We looked through the selfies and photos that were taken and we were laughing and chatting as we waited for ourselves to reach the top of the line to enter the show. The show started in one hour and fifteen minutes. Oh well. We will wait. I realised, as I looked at their signatures on my top, that Jai put a big heart beside his name. I love him so much.

We finally entered the building and heard 'Best Friends' getting blared out of the huge speakers. This show is going to be amazing.

(A.N- big ariana fans, this is just what I think. Everyone has different opinions on the 'Jariana' relationship.)

As soon as I seen that girl, she took my breath away. I was scared of loving someone since my last relationship was with Ariana and lets just say I trusted her and she let me down... I never want to experience that pain again. I don't think I'd be able to cope. I risked it because I know that I'd regret it later if I didn't because fuck, she was hot and I could tell she was a nice girl by the way she was acting outside in the waiting line.She belongs with me. She is younger than me but an age difference should never matter. Love is love. She had blue eyes and long, curly, strawberry-blonde hair. Her smile looks as if it could light the world up.

Our eyes fixated on each other before she came 100 miles per hour, charging at me. She jumped up onto me and gave me a big hug. Oh my. I just wanted that hug to last forever. I found out that her names Amy. We talked for a few minutes, she is really nice and then we took some pictures together. I couldn't take my eyes off her. When she took some photos for her friend, Weri I think, she ended up talking to me again! This time we made out though. It was amazing! I'm the luckiest man on earth to get her number as well! I told her that I'll text her after the show. When her friend was taking photos of us with Amy, I lifted her up and we kissed. Everyone 'awwwwwed' and I just started smiling like an idiot. We signed their tee shirts and they left. I can't wait to see her in the audience. I turned my head back around. "Two boys got lucky eh?" said James. Luke and I just nodded in response. Another bunch of girls came in. We done the usual but I just couldn't get her out of my damn head!!! I'm drunk on love.

AN: Omg I wish this was true!!! I've actually never been to any of their shows or M&G's! *Sobs dramatically😭😭😭. Are you enjoying the story so far??? Anything can happen in your dreams, always remember that. Turn your can't into cans and your dreams into plans xxx (or in other words ' If you can't you must, if you must you can'. Hehehe if you're a janoskianator, you'll get what I mean. )

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