17. Me and you

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I've thought about what I've heard and it's really not a big deal, he was drunk. I know he doesn't like her because come on, she's his ex for a reason.

I'm just going to wait to see how long it takes for him to man up and tell me because it's been a week and he still hasn't told me. Is he never going to tell me and just forget about it? He better not.

We've been talking as if everything is normal and that nothing had happened. It's the 17th of December and today all the boys are going back to Australia until the 29th because I'm pretty sure it takes nearly twenty four hours to get here for the 30th.


25th of December

Christmas was fun as usual, messing around with my brother, helping with the family dinner and even though I'm fourteen, running down the stairs beating each other to get to their presents first.
We were never one of those familys that woke up really early because I swear I'd be one cranky bitch the whole day if someone woke me up. I mean, if you want to survive you'd know better.

I was talking to Jai straight after my breakfast which made it around 8pm over there at the time and we said happy christmas to each other. We talked about the gifts we gave each other and Jai also put me on the phone to Gina. Gina is just like your best friend and she talks so teenagery if that makes any sense. She said that she loves me and that I'm cute. She also said that from now on, I'm her daughter. This made me so happy she is honestly the most nicest person you could ever meet!

Jai's grandparents or as he calls them 'Nonno and Nonna' were also talking to me and they're so sweet, we were talking about Italy for a good bit of the time to be honest and Nonno and Jai sang an Italian song to me.

Gina wanted to talk to my parents to see what they're like so I put them on for a few minutes, for this, I was honestly shitting myself for. My parents are a good bit older and talk about boring crap meanwhile Gina is so..... I don't know. Energetic? Fun? You get what I mean. But actually it turned out quite well to be honest and my parents were inlove with her. Who doesn't love Gina Brooks? I have no idea. She's so friendly and you never run into awkward conversations with her.

I had sent over a christmas present by mail around a week ago because I know that it takes roughly a week to get to Melbourne, so just in time for Christmas!
Little did I know, Jai done the exact same thing and sent me a present too.

I got him the latest Tottenham jersey, one half of these matching yin and yang necklaces (I gave him the black one and I got the white) and a photo album with some pictures of us. I wrote cute and funny things beside each picture there was in it.

Jai gave me a picture that he drew of us, our favorite one where we were kissing on the beach and it was in a frame. It had the word 'Forever' with a small love heart underneath it. Awwww that's what we promised each other the last time I seen him. It was so beautiful! There was a dirty pig hoodie also in the package along with a disc in a black cover with my name written on it. I put it in my laptop and pressed play. The first thing I seen on the screen was him holding his guitar with a huge sloth smile on his face.

"Hey babe! Happy Christmas I miss you so fucking much and I can't wait to see you soon.
I see how big you smile and how much your eyes light up when you hear my voice when I sing obviously because come on, I've got a voice like an angel!" I chuckled when I heard this. I love this kind of Jai. He's noticed my smile and eyes when he sings to me? That's so cute!

"So I wanted to just sing you a song that I wrote" he was shy and looked at the ground. I gasped with excitement, this isn't usually the way Jai is, he's usually confident, cocky and a smart as ur so fucking lovable. This time Jai was kinda quiet and shy.

"Okay, here I go, I don't think it's much good but anyways"

"Me and you, you and I,

We'll last forever,

we'll never die.

Know that I'm right here,

Right by your side,

I know we're miles apart baby,

But that doesn't a thing,

Bout the way I'm feeling for you,

All I know. Is that it's true.

I am your calm face,

You are my giggle.

I am your wait,

Yeah, you are my wiggle.

I am your dinner,

You are my chocolate cake.

I am your bedtime,

You are my wide awake.

I am your lullaby,

You are my peek-a-boo.

I am your goodnight kiss,

You are my I love you.

I know you're feeling this too,

Yeah baby, me and you.

Babe, you know that you're all the stars in my sky,

From that little twinkle inside your blue eyes

When you see me,

That little smile,

I light up inside."

My jaw was literally dropped wide open. This is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me in my entire life. My eyes were getting all teary and I fanned my face with my hands. I love him so much. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. He makes me so fricken happy!

"I hope you like this babe, I have worked very hard on this and I love you so much. You make me so happy and I know you're the one for me."

Okay, by this point I cried the Nile river. We are legit the main source of each other's happiness. He's the one for me too. I know it. Fuck the little mistakes, things are bound to happen at one point or another.

I think he's just forgot about that kiss he had and hope I never find out. This is one thing I don't want to talk about over the phone, I think I'm going to wait until I see him again because I just want to assure him that our relationship is much stronger and a shitty kiss that meant nothing isn't going to affect us. I'm counting down the days. It's five days until I see him and Lukey. I can't fucking wait!

A.N- I honestly made that whole song thing up except the part about 'I am your ------, you are my ------.' I actually don't think it's too bad lol!😄 Anywayyyssss this chapter is so sweet ahhh I love writing this!!! Thanks for reading! Love ya!❤️

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