23. Her number

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I took my phone out of my pocket, pressed the button and my lock screen lit up, showing a picture of us. I smiled at the memory of this photo. I was behind her gripping her waist and we both had the biggest, most jolly smiles in the world plastered on our faces.
I typed in my passcode and knew what I had to do and I won't regret in the slightest. I clicked onto my contact and straightaway the names which begun with 'A' showed up as its in alphabetical order and I scrolled down slightly until I found the name I was searching for, just underneath Amy's number.

Ariana <3

Don't ask me why there's a love heart beside it cause she used my phone to type her name and number back into.

Memories came flooding back to when we were happy together doing things like stupid make up challenges and other things like when she surprised me on stage and I was so damn happy. Times like when I visited America and spent all my savings on that plane ticket and I had to just fall as my legs were weak when I seen her. She was my first proper love.
All of a sudden I remember the times I locked myself in my room, ignoring the world around me and crying for ages and ages. Luke being so sad for me. Me seeing pictures of Nathan and my world. He was holding my world. Words can't describe how pissed I was. I somehow managed to forgive her as I knew she cheated on me but she begged me not to tell her fans as they'd spread hate about her so I just agreed. She didn't want to tell her fans the fucking truth wow.

Not long later she cheated again and oh my god that was it. Mac Miller. I'm the guy in the Janoskians who take things much harder because that's just who I am really. I got lots of hate and her brother who I was good mates with was saying awful things about me. Ariana was saying that SHE broke up with me because I wasn't there for her when her nonno was sick. I spent all my money on a ticket to visit her and I don't have enough money to always do that so that honestly wasn't fucking fair at all.

The boys were always there for me and I can't explain how lucky I am to have a twin who always understands me and never EVER judges me. He is the best listener there is and I would take a bullet for him in a heartbeat. He and the others fought back on my side on Twitter and all the Janoskianators were there for me too and wanted to know how I was feeling and if I was okay and stuff. I deserve better than her.

I couldn't trust any girls after that until I seen the most beautiful girl in the world. Amy. Fuck I love her with all my heart and I had to be dumb enough to get drunk and kiss Ariana, my life ruiner at a party. Again, I love Luke since he seen me and stopped me from going any further. How can one person have such an effect on someone? The name actually makes me disgusted even thinking about it so without any futher a due, I deleted her number and a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Here bro, want a shot to settle the nerves?" Luke asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks bro." I swallowed it quickly, throwing my head back and then slamming the little glass down onto the table. The sensation in the back of my throat didn't bother me in the slightest meanwhile Luke was pulling all sort of faces with his new mates he's just made friends with.
I actually couldn't be bothered to make new friends here I'm just focused on that girl I seen dancing with her friends through the window. The clock shows 11:30pm. Oh shit it's getting close as fuck. Still staring at her through the window, I grab another shot which was already poured and drank it. She takes out her phone and sits down on the couch. She smiles at whatever she is looking at on he phone and then she types something. All of a sudden my phone vibrated signalling that I had a text so I read it:

I know you're probably not going to answer as you usually don't now, but I just want to say I love you so so much and happy New Year's Eve! Over in Ireland it's nearly midnight!-A

Little does she know, I'm just outside. I text back something quite smart:

I love you too!
My absolute world is what you are to me you know that right?
Happiness is what you bring into my life.
Everyone will be jealous of our love
Right now my heart is beating so fast just thinking about you.
Everyone needs to know about us and how a guy can be so fucking lucky.-J

It's a bit weird but it's all I can think of right now. The clue in the text, I bet she won't notice. (Read the side of the text downwards. It says: I'm here.)

I send it and I glance through the window again and I see a huge smile on her face as she cocks one eyebrow up, probably in confusion as to why I'm talking like that.

You're cute ;P -A

I lock my phone as I hear people shouting that there's only one minute to go until New Years. Here I go...

A.N- This chapter isn't that good but omfg guys I'm so excited to write this next chapter omfg!!!! Thanks to reading and I Love You!❤️❤️❤️
Btw guys i am back to school now so i probably won't be as active on here which means updates will slow down and im so sorry but i'll try my very best. I will continue this book no matter how long it takes me because it will be such an achievement for me when i finish it. This book will be pretty long.
Please please PLEASE vote you've no idea how much that means to me. Thankyou and again, I LOVE YOU!!!!!

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