Night below the golden stars

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All I could see around me were red roses. Even the terrace floor was covered with red petals. In the middle a table for two,candles and more roses...

I frowned a little -Is it too much? - June asked scratching behind his ear- I said a lot of roses but didn't expect this much...

-No,'s ok... they are beautiful and...

He laughed- and too much!!

We both laughed and he took my hand leading me to the table- Let's not allow this little thing to ruin this night- I nodded still smiling.

He looked great in white silky shirt and black pants. Whenever our eyes met I felt butterflies in my stomach. - You are so beautiful- suddenly he said looking into my eyes  and I stop breathing. My fingers squeezed one rose and her thorns cut my finger. -Hey you are bleeding!- he said taking rose from my hand and cleaning blood with napkin- Be careful don't hurt yourself- He was kneeling before me eyes on my hand but my eyes were on him. I loved his black hair, that perfect side profile, black eyes.. soft lips.. I closed my eyes remembering their taste. -HyeMin-ah - he called my name and I looked up seeing him holding big tray with all kinds of food - I didn't know what you like so I ordered all... - Everything looks good - my voice was weak and my cheeks become red suddenly feeling shy . He sat across me trying food - Wow this is really great !! Try it HyeMin-ah ! - I took plate and put one small piece of meat looking at it . Feeling so nervous I couldn't eat but he enjoyed licking sauce from his fingers. - Food is the best thing that exsist ... - he stopped talking looking at me - Whats wrong HyeMin-ah why don't you eat? You don't like this? - I shook my head- No,no ! Everything is perfect just I'm not that hungry.... - He put his chopsticks down and his face was serious. - I wanted to explain something first but I got nervous and when I'm nervous I eat. -You don't have to... I'm not expecting anything from you...

He looked straight into my eyes- Maybe I do...

My heart started beating faster and unknown feels sended chills down my spine. We were looking at each others eyes and some kind of bond connected us at that moment. Was that beginning of love or something unexplainable I didn't know but it made me feel different. 

He leaned back in his chair taking deep breath. - I know Stella since we were kids- he started to talk - our families are connected by our fathers businesses and how usually goes they wanted to connect us as well , meaning they made arranged marriage . We were both too young at that time and I didn't took that seriously. But when my uncle died my father mentioned that to me again and now he wants to unite two companies. The thing is, my uncle had few bad investments and now our company is in danger of bankruptcy. He thinks Stellas fathers company can save him but what is the cost of that you already guessing... - He stopped talking looking at the floor like he was gathering his thoughts then he lifted his eyes back to me.

-That night on the train... I saw you for the first time.. I was getting back from my uncles funeral and heavy thoughts tortured me. All in me was against that marriage! I just started my career as a singer, I just started to live my dream... how can I leave all that ? Before I went back, Stella and I had serious talk and she understood me... well I thought like that intill you said what is her plan. I knew what was hiding behind her words, she wants to ruin my image in music industry and force me to marry her. 

He laughed looking through the window into the night sky - But she doesn't know one thing... - His eyes met mine -Angel appeared that night on the train... - He stood up and kneel before me again - I kissed that angel and with that kiss I gave her my heart as well and become her guardian. - I felt tears tickling my eyes while he was taking my hand in his both - I can't promise you anything yet.. I don't have anything to give you except my heart. You can keep it or throw it but it's yours now....- Tears trickled down my cheeks while he was kissing my palms. - You are my black angel you saved me... and you gave me my first kiss.. my heart belongs to you from that moment- His hands cupped my face brushing my tears with his thumbs - Don't cry baby, I don't want to see tears in your eyes. He slowly kisses one by one then my lips - I will protect you till my dying day I promise you ! - We hugged each other and I rested my head on his chest . I heard his heartbeat and I knew well that sound. My black angel is with me, nothing else matters. 

-I'm planing to talk to sajangnim Yang and ask for loan or something. I need to help my father and resolve this thing with Stella... - I put finger on his lips - Let's not talk about that anymore. I want to dance with you again. - He smirked- I thought you'd never ask!

Nice melody was floating filling the corners of the terrace. Through glass sealing I saw night sky and little golden stars. I was in his arms leaning my head on his chest. If only happiness could be preserved forever in some pocket and you could pull it whenever you need it I would preserve that moment. - Let's stay like this forever- He whispered in my ear and I smiled - Let's...

Then he spoon me suddenly- Yah why did you do that?!- He smirked - You become heavy did you gain some weight?- Oh sorry ... I didn't... I - He lift me up- I lied you are light as feather and I missed carrying you. - Yah put me down! - No I'm kidnaping you ! - He was carrying me outside and put me down when we were behind house. 

My eyes widened from surprise . I was amazed. Lights were on trees, so many tiny light bulbs glowing in the dark. More roses on both sides of the rocky path .-Ah this is so beautiful.. I never thought you are so romantic.- He was smiling shyly- I have my moments you know... - Quickly I lifted on my toes and kissed his lips - You are really my black angel!!-  He took my hand but the realise I was just in my white dress so he ran back in the house and brought mine and his coat. - You have to be careful not to be sick again - He was putting coat on my shoulders and kissed my cheek- I was so scared that night seeing you unconscious with high fever.. you looked so fragile. Others didn't notice you at all but something was pulling me to look in your direction and I saw when you fell down on seat beside you. I was calling not knowing your name and you were burning. Praying to God to save your life I kissed your dry lips .... and you opened your eyes . I don't know did you saw my face or not but I knew something have changed me...- My palm caressed his cheek- You are my angel- He smiled - Yeah I know I'm awesome! 

- You are stuck up too! -What? I'm not! Who told you that?- I moved few steps from him - And you are aweful singer- quickly I avoided his hand reaching to grab me - HyeMin-ah!! When I catch you I will punish you by singing to you all night!!- I was running down the path laughing and he followed me. When I was turning his long arms caught me pulling me in hug. - Now you are mine! - I looked up in him - Am I ?- He cupped my face - Yes you are.... his soft lips brushed on mine before he planted kiss on my lips hugging me tighter- Only mine ! - I rested my head again on his chest just to hear those heartbeats and this time our hearts beated in the same rhythm. Inhaling his perfume and his personal scent I felt happines,security... love.

He was so nice and caring that night so different from June I knew before- Why do you have to tease me all the time?- I asked pouting my lips. He smirked- Because it is fun to see how your cheeks turn red everytime. You look so adorable when you are angry. - I smack his chest- You are evil and mean... - his lips cut my words kissing me so passionately. Their softhes and sweetnes made me trembeling. That boy became dangerous for my sanity making me to lose my mind everytime he touches me. He was kissing my lower lip until my lips parted and our tongues touched lighting fire inside our bodys. My fingers squeezed his shirt holding not to fall. He pulled me closer and I wrapp arms around his neck. Abowe us was dark sky and little golden stars.. they will hide our love from others...


Later that night, while I was lying in my bed,all pictures.. every word I repeated over and over again feeding my heart with those sweet memories.

 We didn't say will we meet again.

We didn't promise anything to each other.

But our hearts found each other, confessing love, connecting our souls.

Maybe our love is impossible and forbidden but you can't order your heart who to love.


A/N: This chapter is little shorter I'm sorry for that ... anyway I hope you like it

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